Personal lessons in the Civil War
Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 10, 2001
Morgan Taylor, center, and Helen Fordice look with awe at a Civil War display as Molleigh Wallace, right, looks during a history exercise at St. Francis Xavier Elementary Wednesday. Students in Jill Fallon’s and Tiffany Keen’s fifth-grade classes recognized history by dressing as Civil War characters, including ancestors, building replicas of battles and telling stories of the Civil War. Molleigh was portraying Stonewall Jackson, who lost his arm in the Battle of Bull Run. Below, John Reid Golding, dressed as Gen. Robert E. Lee, shows third-graders John Wyman, far left, and Alex Cunningham portraits of his Civil War hero. To John Reid’s right is Rebecca Sigh, dressed as Robinson Woolen Hands, who worked as a third assistant sailor on the USS Monitor. (The Vicksburg Post/MELANIE DUNCAN)