Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 18, 2001



BOVINA CLASSES OF 1950s AND 1960s 6 p.m. Sunday, Bovina Community Center; James Wilson Jr., 636-7629.

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WILLING WORKERS 4 p.m. Saturday. Pleasant Valley M.B. Church; Mary Whitley is president.

BROADWATER LODGE NO. 55 6 p.m. Saturday, Masonic Hall; all Prince Hall Masons welcome.

NEGRO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN 3 p.m. Sunday, Shoney’s; Georgeann Leavell will speak on breast cancer awareness at 4.

AMERICAN LEGION POST 3 Meet for breakfast 8:30 a.m. Saturday; Monroe Street.

AKA SORORITY 4 p.m. Sunday; 634-1233.

VICKSBURG ALCORN ALUMNI 6 p.m. Friday; Elks Lodge, 916 Walnut St.

RIVER CITY BPW National Business Women’s Week activities: today, 5-6:30 p.m., Women of Distinction, Business After Hours, Chamber of Commerce; Friday, Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Day, project CAP Center.

IVYETTES GIRLS CLUB 6 p.m. Friday, Vicksburg High School stadium.


21st ANNUAL VICKSBURG ART ASSOCIATION Mississippi Artist Exhibition opening reception, 8 p.m. Saturday, Old Constitution Firehouse; gallery hours are 1-4 p.m. Sunday and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Wednesday; free admission; artists must pick up work from 4 until 6:30 p.m. Wednesday or 2 until 4 p.m. Oct. 27.

MAGNOLIA BALLROOM DANCERS Dance, 8-11 p.m. Saturday, Ethnic Heritage Building at the Jim Buck Ross Agriculture and Forestry Museum, Lakeland Drive, Jackson; $10 for members; $5 for first time guests and $14 for returning guests; Shirley Griffin, 636-7000.

FOSTER PARENTING TRAINING Classes begin Saturday at Warren County Extension Office, 1100 E. Grove St., Suite C.; sponsored by Warren County Family and Children services; Lynette Fleming, 636-1597 or 636-1692.

FREE ACT WORKSHOP 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, We Care Community Services, 909 Walnut St.; advanced registration preferred; 638-6329.

OAK RIDGE OPRY 7 p.m. Friday, Oak Ridge Youth and Community Center; music by Southwinds; hamburgers will be sold.

YMCA PILATES CLASS A mat exercise class open to men and women; classes meet at 5:30 p.m. each Monday and Thursday; available to members and non-members; Mindy Giambrone, 638-1071.

AMERICAN RED CROSS Adult, infant and child CPR classes, 6-9 p.m. Monday through Wednesday; introduction to disaster services class for all who wish to volunteer, Nov. 1; for information, contact Judy Turnage, 636-9182 or redcross@vicksburg.com

VETERANS DAY PARADE Sponsored by the Gray and Blue Naval Museum Nov. 10, to honor all veterans and all who served in the armed forces of the United States; a search is being made for the oldest veteran, he or she will serve as parade marshal; anyone with information or who wishes to participate should contact Lamar Roberts at 638-6500.

SOUTHERN CULTURAL HERITAGE COMPLEX “Tales of a Southern Undertaker,” humorous presentation by Steve Holland, 7 tonight; meet and greet with Moscow’s Prima Ballerina; 4 p.m. today; sponsored by the SCHC and Debra Franco Preparatory School of Dance; free admission; 631-2997.

VICKSBURG FAMILY DEVELOPMENT SERVICE Board meeting, 5:15 p.m. today.

YOUTH VILLAGES Training session for people interested in learning more about foster parenting; 6 tonight, 4750-B McWillie Drive, Jackson; 601-982-1919 ext. 1007.

WARREN CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL Beauty and Beau Pageant; 6:30 tonight, school auditorium; tickets, $3 at the door.

SENIOR CENTER Friday: 9:30 a.m., River Region breakfast and bean bag baseball; 1 p.m. Mexican dominoes and canasta; Monday: 9 a.m., beginner piano lesson; 10, piano keyboarding; 10, NIA exercise; noon, water color with Leah Johnson; 1 p.m. acrylic art; 2, pen and ink; 6, social and line dance; Tuesday: 10 a.m., beginner computer; 11, intermediate computer; 1 p.m., learn to play the dulcimer; 1-4, open play dominoes and canasta.

STAGE MONKEYS IMPROV PERFORMANCE 7 p.m. Saturday; The Ground Floor, 1101 Washington St.


NEW ROCK OF AGES Senior choir rehearsal; 11 a.m. Saturday with Pat Stamps.

RIDGEWAY BAPTIST FALL FESTIVAL 4-8 p.m. Saturday; activities include BB target shoot, turkey sling shot, duck pond, cake walk, fishing game, horse shoes, treasure hunt and a country store selling patriotic crafts; chili dogs and hot dogs will be available; corner of Oak Ridge and Redwood Road.

EAGLE LAKE BAPTIST FALL FESTIVAL 2-5 p.m. Saturday; activities include ring toss, face painting, go fishing, pumpkin toss, moon walk, cake walk, a country store and a dunking booth with Sheriff Martin pace and Supervisor Michael Mayfield; raffle drawings for a bolt action rifle with a scope and hard case and a handmade cedar chest.

NEW VISION FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER Craft and bake sale, 7 a.m.-noon Saturday; 3525 Wisconsin Ave.; 634-8710.

BRIGHT MORNING STAR M.B. Church meeting, 4 p.m. Saturday; 801 Meadow St.

KING SOLOMON M.B. REVIVAL Evangelistic service, 7 nightly through Friday; the Rev. Glenn Turner will be evangelist; the Rev. Jonathan Grant is pastor.

TENT REVIVAL IN KINGS COMMUNITY 7 nightly through Saturday, at the ballfield on Sherman Avenue; the Rev. James Laird of Wayside Church of Deliverance will be the evangelist.

GREATER MOUNT ZION BAPTIST REVIVAL Prayer service at 6:45, preaching at 7:30 nightly through Friday; the Rev. Sedrick Veal will be the evangelist; the Rev. E.E. Gibbs is pastor; 907 Farmer St.

TRIUMPH M.B. FALL REVIVAL 7:15 nightly through Friday, 124 Pittman Road; the Rev. Stephen F. Mason of Greater Pearlie Grove M.B. Church in Jackson will be the evangelist; the Rev. Larry A. Nicks, pastor.