Much of downtown slum,’ blight’

Published 12:00 am Friday, January 11, 2002

[01/11/02]About half of the structures in downtown Vicksburg were declared “slum” or “blight” Thursday as part of the paperwork needed to allocate millions to improvements.

David Nichols, a consultant with Jimmy Gouras Urban Planning, presented the Vicksburg Board of Mayor and Aldermen with the report that indicated 38 structures out of 67 structures viewed in the proposed urban renewal zone as deteriorated. Although some photos accompanied the report, individual addresses or owners were not listed in this phase. The report also indicated several roads, sidewalks and parking lots that are substandard.

“This is just one of the steps required for the urban renewal plan,” Mayor Laurence Leyens said.

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City officials announced plans in August to begin a new round of major public works in downtown Vicksburg and a plan to redevelop areas around the city waterfront and the shopping district

About $5 million of a $17.5 million bond issue by the city is to be spent on the plan. Unlike the federal grant program of the 1970s that modernized downtown areas across the country, the city’s plan is targeted at maintaining the historic look of the area.

The report was needed as part of the process defined in state law that allows cities to acquire property to sell to developers with defined conditions of how the property will be used. The legislation also allows the city to remove areas defined as slum and blight.

“Hopefully in the next week or two you will have the plan in your hands,” Nichols said.

Before the plan can be adopted, it must be presented at a public hearing and include an inventory of the area in the zone and a plan for acquiring property and any relocation of any existing businesses that are determined.

Nichols said he expects the public hearing to take place in about 30 to 45 days.

The report is available for public inspection at the City Clerk’s Office on the second floor of City Hall.

Separately, city inspectors have been instructed to prepare a more detailed report and an inventory of downtown properties for code enforcement efforts. Owners will be identified and provided written notices of work needed.

Leyens has said owners will not be allowed to continue to let dilapidated properties just sit. “They’ll have to fix them up or sell them to someone who will,” he has said.

In other matters the board:

Presented a certificate of recognition to the employees of the Kings Community Center.

Approved closing Washington Street between Veto and Grove streets on Feb. 9 for a Mardi Gras Parade.

Approved allocating $21,000 for Haven House Family Shelter Inc.

Approved allocating $29,087 for the Initiative Inc.

Approved purchasing a $100 full page ad in the Hinds Community College Baseball Program.

Executed an art agreement with Mississippi Cultural Crossroads for instructors for the Vicksburg History Quilt Project at the Senior Center.

Accepted recommendation from the Zoning Board of Appeals to rezone 3405, 3409 and property south of 3409 Halls Ferry Road from residential to commercial.

Approved the claims docket.

The city board recessed Thursday’s meeting to this morning. The next regular meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. Jan. 22 at City Hall Annex.