
Published 12:00 am Monday, March 25, 2002


VFW POST 2572 5-7 tonight, election of 2003 officers; cold cuts will be served.

WARREN COUNTY HOMEMAKER VOLUNTEERS 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, conference room at 1100-C Grove St.

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LIONS Noon Wednesday, Maxwell’s; Ronnie Bounds, city planner, will speak.

T.R.I.A.D. 2 p.m. Wednesday, conference room at City Hall Annex.

ENGINEERS AUXILIARY BRIDGE 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Piccadilly; reservations by 6 p.m. Tuesday; Emily Duke, 636-6050, or Florence Amborn, 636-1612.

PORT CITY KIWANIS 7 a.m. Thursday, Shoney’s; Herb Wilkinson with the YMCA will speak.

Public Programs

AARP SAFE-DRIVING CLASS 12:30-4:30 p.m. today-Tuesday; Chamber of Commerce; Bob Walters, 638-4725.

DOG OBEDIENCE CLASS Registration, 7 tonight, City Park Pavilion; 9-week basic obedience course; 638-8952 or 634-0199.

PUBLIC LIBRARY SCHEDULE Preschool story time with Lottie Walker, 10:30 a.m. Tuesday; Easter party, 10:30 a.m. Wednesday.

FREE INCOME TAX HELP 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesdays through April 10, Warren County-Vicksburg Public Library; open to low- to moderate-income people preferably 60 or older; bring copy of 2001 income statements and other receipts and information; 638-3422 or 437-8592.

ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS Offered by Vicksburg-Warren ASU Alumni Chapter; interested seniors may pick up applications at local high schools; deadline is April 15; Walter Sheriff, 638-7812.


SPRING REVIVAL AND KIDS CRUSADE 7 tonight-Wednesday, Oakland Baptist Church; the Rev. Gary Smith of Fulton will be the guest speaker; 2959 Oak Ridge Road; meals are available nightly by reservation.

VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER Women’s ministry meeting; 7 tonight; supper will be served at 6:30; 260 Highway 27 (Beechwood Assembly of God facilities); Dan and Sue Landry are pastors; nursery is available; 636-4710.

MOUNT ZION NO. 4 M.B. Holy week services, 6:30 tonight-Friday; 122 Union Ave.; guests will include the following: today, the Rev. Luster Lacey; Tuesday, the Rev. Samuel Brown; Wednesday, the Rev. Gregory Mayfield; Thursday, the Rev. Hardy Lewis with Communion; Friday, the Rev. Clifton Jackson; the Rev. Henry Mayfield Sr. is pastor.

KING SOLOMON M.B. REVIVAL Today-Friday; prayer service, 6:30 p.m. followed by evangelistic service at 7; the Rev. Willie Brown Jr. of Greater Ross Chapel M.B. Church in Gluckstadt will be the guest evangelist; the Rev. Jonathan Grant is pastor.

SPRING HILL M.B. OF PORT GIBSON Week of Passion program, 7:30 nightly through Sunday; guest ministers will include the following: today, the Rev. James Dorsey; Tuesday, the Rev. Casey Fisher; Wednesday, the Rev. Charles Blackmore; Thursday, the Rev. Earnest Ford Jr.; Friday, Dr. Willie J. Jones; Friday, the Rev. Edmond Gibbs; Saturday, the Rev. Jonathan Hamlin, pastor.

HOUSE OF PEACE WORSHIP CENTER Money Management workshop; 6 p.m. Tuesday, 400 Adams St.; a debt-reduction contribution will be given; Linda Sweezer is pastor; 638-1336.

TRAVELERS REST BAPTIST Fellowship week services, 7 p.m. Wednesday-Friday; speakers will be the Rev. Joseph Brisco, Wednesday; the Rev. Claude Tucker, Thursday; and the Rev. Charles Miller.

MOUNTAIN OF FAITH MINISTRIES All-pastor luncheon for all area pastors, noon Saturday; Triumph Church, 4305 N. Frontage Road; RSVP by Thursday to Tina or Lewis Hayward, 831-4405, Betty Tolliver, 631-0071, or Denise Edwards, 636-0610.