Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 13, 2002
ROSA TEMPLE CLASS OF 1967 Reunion meeting, 5:45 p.m. today; King Solomon M.B. fellowship hall.
ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY Omicron Rho Lambda Chapter meeting, 6 tonight, LD’s Kitchen, 1111 Mulberry St.; James Giles, 634-4105, or Gregory L. Jackson, 636-1793.
COX FAMILY REUNION 10:30 a.m.-until, Saturday-Sunday, City Park Pavilion; Lisa Cox, 636-2943.
IVYETTES GIRLS CLUB CAR WASH 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Wal-Mart SuperCenter parking lot; cars are $3; trucks, vans and SUVs are $5
VICKSBURG CRUISERS CAR CLUB Meet at Bovina Texas at 8:30 a.m. Saturday to go to the MSRA Father’s Day Rod Run in Clinton; 636-2720.
WILLING WORKERS 4 p.m. Saturday, Pleasant Valley M.B. Church; Eddie Bryant is president.
AMERICAN LEGION TYNER-FORD POST 213 Father’s Day dance; 7 p.m.-until, Sunday, 1618 Main St.; music by Walt Babylove.
VHS CLASS OF 1977 Reunion will be July 5-7; Audrey Johnson, 638-8739.
GASKIN FAMILY REUNION July 26-28, Battlefield Inn; 638-9197, 631-3231 or 314-781-0879.
MARTIN RUSSELL FAMILY REUNION July 26-28; Tiffany Turner, 661-5748, Sharon Williams, 638-7625, or Segunna Thomas, 638-0431.
BROADWATER LODGE NO. 55 Meeting canceled; sweetheart ball sponsored by the Leaders Among Men study club will be 7 p.m.-midnight, Saturday, VFW on Indiana Avenue.
Public programs
SENIOR CENTER 10 a.m., bean bag baseball; noon, Curtis bridge; 1 p.m., open play dominoes.
LEVI’S “A Gathering Place” Open 7-11 p.m. Friday for teens; 7-10 p.m. Saturday with music by Southwinds; cappuccino, coffee, fountain drinks, sweets, gameroom with pool table and more.
OAK RIDGE OPRY 7th ANNIVERSARY 7 p.m. Friday, Oak Ridge Community Center; music by Magnolias and Moonshine; bring finger foods; a microwave will be auctioned.
PRE-FATHER’S DAY DANCE 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Saturday, American Legion Tyner-Ford’s “The Hut,” 1618 Main St.
LEARNING GARDEN PRESCHOOL Now registering for fall class for 6 weeks through 5 years; curriculum includes Spanish, computers, music, science and math; 638-6724, or Jill Marr, 636-6759.
CHILDREN’S HOUSE MONTESSORI MINI CAMP Monday-Friday; children will learn about insects and make a bee T-shirt, bee keepers helmet and an insect net; cost is $75; Deborah Clanton, 638-2017, or Kathy Abbott, 638-3603.
ST. PETER M.B. REVIVAL Revival, 7 nightly through Friday; 1712 Crawford St.; 636-3687.
TEMPLE CHURCH OF CHRIST (HOLINESS) USA Vacation Bible school; 6:30-7:30 nightly through Friday, Port Gibson; open to all ages; Minister Howard Batchelor is pastor.
OAKLAND BAPTIST VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 9 a.m.-noon daily through Friday, 2959 Oak Ridge Road; classes for 3 years through 6th grade; 638-6724.
GREATER MOUNT LEBANON VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 6-8 nightly through Friday, 339 Alpine St.; 638-5578.
BOVINA UNITED METHODIST VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 6:30-8:30 nightly through Friday for ages 3-13; activities include singing, crafts, study and snacks; Camille Lee, 852-8520, or the Rev. Lynette Little, 924-1862.
NEW MOUNT ZION REVIVAL 7:30 nightly through Friday, Feld Street; the Rev. Troy Smith will be evangelist; R.L. Miller is pastor.
FIRST BAPTIST, LANE STREET, REVIVAL 7:30 nightly through Friday; Leroy Wilson will preach; the Rev. Roosevelt Smith is host pastor.
NEW MOUNT PILGRIM BAPTIST Prayer, praise and worship breakfast and service; breakfast will be served from 8:30 until 9:45 a.m. Saturday, worship begins at 10, 501 Poplar St.; Mable Jennings and Hazel Suluki will be the speakers; Jennifer Beard will be the praise and worship leader; 638-9260 or 415-5320.
“PROOF PRODUCER CONFERENCE” 7 nightly through Saturday, Wayside Apostolic Church of Deliverance, 4615 Halls Ferry Road; Bishop Tyrone Hollands, of Monroe, will be the guest speaker; prayer and dinner fellowship will be at 9 a.m. Saturday; Frank and Mattie Allen are pastors; 638-4654.
SECOND CHANCE TO TRIUMPH FATHERHOOD INITIATIVE Two-day men’s conference; 6 p.m. Friday and 7 a.m. Saturday, Triumph M.B. Church, 124 Pittman Road; 638-1336 or 218-1323 for registration; free.
NEW MOUNT PILGRIM PRAYER SERVICE 7 p.m. Friday-Sunday, 501 N. Poplar St.; the Rev. Henry J. Williams is pastor.
TRIUMPH Men’s prayer breakfast, 8 a.m. Saturday at the fellowship hall.
NEW MOUNT ELEM Annual musical extravaganza; 6 p.m. Saturday; Satartia Male Chorus will be the featured guest choir; the Rev. Leonard Walker is pastor.
TRAVELERS REST MINISTRIES Extended enrichment summer program; 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. daily through Friday; open to ages 4-15; program includes reading, English, math, arts, crafts, outside activities and field trips; 636-3712.
FUND-RAISER FOR THE VICTIMS OF THE ROUSE POLYMERICS FIRE 6 p.m. Saturday, Springhill M.B. Church, 1815 Mission 66; sponsored by the Masonic Lodges and Eastern Star Chapters of Vicksburg A.F.&A.M.