
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 28, 2002


PORT CITY KIWANIS Noon Thursday, Shoney’s; Napoleon Moses, dean of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at Alcorn State University, will speak.

JSU ALUMNI Vicksburg-Warren County Chapter, 6 p.m. Thursday at LD’s.

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AMERICAN LEGION TYNER FORD POST 213 Pre-Labor Day Western Dance, 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Saturday; first 30 will receive free cowboy hats; music by Walt Babylove.

SIDNEY WRIGHT FAMILY REUNION 10 a.m. until; Saturday; old home place on Wright Road in Yokena; 636-4345 or 636-4629.

Public programs

SENIOR CENTER Thursday: 9-11 a.m., senior swim time at City Pool, $3; 9, NIA exercise; 9:30, intermediate/advanced bridge; 10:30, beginner computer; 11:30, intermediate computer; 12:30 p.m., Richter bridge; 1, bingo; 3, open-play dominoes.

SCHOOL NIGHT FOR SCOUTING 7 p.m. Thursday; informative meeting for grades 1-5, at elementary schools: Beechwood, Bowmar, Sherman Avenue, Redwood, South Park, Dana Road and Warrenton; applications will be filled out and registration fees collected; must be accompanied by parent or guardian.

FREE SMALL BUSINESS SEMINAR Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.; lunch provided; “Make Mine Mississippi Small Business Summit: Practical Strategies for a Thriving Business,” Mississippi State Extension Service Building in Brandon; reservations, 857-3636.

LEVI’S “A Gathering Place”, 7-10 p.m. Saturday; Shelter Drive off Mount Alban Road; music by Buck Wild and the Wild Bunch.

FATHERHOOD INITIATIVE WORKSHOP 9 -10 a.m. Friday, Good Shepherd Community Center, 629 Cherry St.; offered by Good Shepherd’s Even Start Family Literacy Program; the Rev. Troy Truly, 636-1336.

HUNTER EDUCATION CLASS 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 7, Woodlawn Baptist Church; will be taught by Mike Richmond; students need to preregister by calling the church, 636-5320.


ROCK THE RIVER 2002 6:30 tonight, Vicksburg City Auditorium; Solomon’s Wish in concert; sponsored by First Baptist Church Student Life Ministry; Greg Pinkner and Jason Elam will speak and lead worship.

FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE REVIVAL 7 tonight, 3428 Wisconsin Ave.; guest evangelist, Ken Dove; special music by Bryan Wells and Mark Holdiness; 634-0082; nursery provided.

WARRENTON INDEPENDENT BAPTIST REVIVAL 7 tonight, 829 Belva Drive; guest speaker, Noah Frye.

MOUNT ARARAT BAPTIST REVIVAL 7 nightly through Friday, 50 Culkin Road; guest evangelist, the Rev. Terry Moore; the Rev. T.J. Moreland is pastor; 638-3498.

BETHLEHEM M.B. REVIVAL 7:15 nightly through Friday, 1827 Youngton Road; the Rev. Henry Mayfield, guest speaker; the Rev. Booker T. Smith is pastor; 634-8384.

GREATER NEW ZION M. B. REVIVAl 7 nightly through Friday, Highway 28 in Hazlehurst; guest evangelist, the Rev. Leonard Walker; Willie Jones is pastor.

HARRIS TEMPLE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST REVIVAL 7:30 nightly through Friday, 3495 N. Washington St.; guest speakers are: today, Rodney Carter of Clinton; Thursday, Ernest Wilcher of Brookhaven; Friday, superintendent Ernest Johnson; pastor is Anthony Norwood; 631-3300.

STRAUGHTER BAPTIST MEMORIAL CENTER 6 p.m. Saturday, 1411 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive; speaker will be Daisy Loving Waters, founder of Ministry of Faith Ministries; guest choir, C.J. Williams and the Angelic Voices of Christ; guest soloist, Lindsay Miller; refreshments will be served.

PLEASANT VALLEY M.B. 5 p.m. Friday, 2585 N. Washington St., choir rehearsal with Kevin Powell, musician.