
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 16, 2002


VICKSBURG FAMILY DEVELOPMENT SERVICE Board meeting, 5:15 p.m. Thursday.

VICKSBURG WARREN ALCORN ALUMNI CHAPTER 7 p.m. Friday, meeting at the Elks Lodge, 916 Walnut St.

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IVYETTES GIRLS CLUB RIF workshop, 10 a.m. Saturday at Rolling Acres Community Center.

VICKSBURG HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1944 Reunion meeting, Saturday, 10 a.m. until in the Mississippi Room at Battlefield Inn; 636-1395 or 636-0518.

MENSA Seeking new members; admission test, Saturday at Hinds Community College; $25; 856-7255 or dnwelch@compuserve.com.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Saltillo breakfast, 8-11 a.m. Sunday at the KC Hall; breakfast, $3 per person with a maximum of $12 for immediate family.

PRICE FAMILY REUNION For descendants of William Price, Robert Price, Joseph Price; 11 a.m. Sunday at the home of Tom and Alydia Price Rankin; 1789 Somerset Road in Bogue Chitto; bring covered dish, photos, chair; 734-6234 or 823-6658.

VICKSBURG BPW Week’s activities open to the public are: Thursday and Oct. 25, Influenza vaccines to VBPW clients and those ages 60 and older, $3, 3420 Wisconsin Ave.; 7 a.m. Monday, prayer breakfast at Shoney’s; 636-0161.

Public programs

LIBRARY SCHEDULE 3:30 p.m. today, after-school arts and crafts.

VICKSBURG SENIOR CENTER Thursday: 9-11 a.m., walking at Jackson Street Community Center; 9, NIA exercise; 10:30, beginner computer; 11:30, intermediate computer; 12:30 p.m., Richter bridge; 1, Bingo; 1:30, open play dominoes.

OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS 6-7 tonight; no diets, dues or weigh-ins; Bowmar Baptist Church; 638-0011.

ORGAN TRANSPLANT SUPPORT GROUP 6 p.m. Thursday; Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency, 12 River Bend Place in Jackson; open to organ transplant recipients and family members or those interested in learning more about organ transplant and donation; 800-690-8878.

VISIONS FOR TOMORROW 6 p.m. Thursday in the conference room of Warren-Yazoo Mental Health Administration Building; 10-week series of workshops for parents and caregivers of children with brain disorders; final date for registration will be Thursday; 630-9470 or 800-357-0388.

FINDING THE FUNDS’ Parents’ guide to financial aid; 6-6:45 p.m. Thursday, Vicksburg High School Career Center; speaker available 4-6 p.m.; in conjunction with report card distribution.

GREAT DELTA BEAR AFFAIR 8 a.m. until dark Saturday at the Sharkey County Courthouse Square in Rolling Fork; centennial celebration of the birth of the teddy bear.

VICKSBURG WARREN HUMANE SOCIETY ADOPT-A-THON 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Saturday at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 5930 Warriors Trail; 636-6631.

NEGRO B PW Prostate and breast cancer awareness program, 4 p.m. Sunday; United Way office, 920 South St.; Barbara Phelps will be speak on the symptoms of breast cancer; Joan Buglewicz will speak on prostate cancer.

LEVI’S “A Gathering Place;” 7 until 10 p.m. Saturday; Shelter Drive off Mount Alban Road; music by the Oak Ridge Band.


BROWN’S CHAPEL M.B. Revival services, 7:30 tonight-Friday; guest speaker each night; the Rev. Jessie Brown is host pastor.

KING SOLOMON M.B. Fall Revival services, 6 tonight-Friday; 1401 Farmer St.; the Rev. Robert Miller will serve as evangelist; the Rev. Jonathan Grant is pastor.

LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST Bible Conference, 7 p.m. Thursday; 9:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Friday; 9 a.m. Saturday; guest speakers daily; nursery provided; 1804 Sky Farm Ave.

MOUNT PISGAH M.B. CHURCH Thursday, business meeting; refreshments at 5 p.m.; board will meet at 6; members meet at 7; Dennis J. Redden is senior pastor.

ST. ALBAN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Dinner on the grounds, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday; food, music, Country Market, children’s activities; rain or shine, take-outs available; to benefit the Vicksburg Warren Humane Society; 636-6687.

ROSE HILL M.B. CHURCH 6 p.m. Saturday, annual musical; the Rev. Walter Weathersby is pastor and Virginia Miller is senior chair president; 638-3748.

GOSPEL TEMPLE M.B. Alonzo Jones’ first sermon, 6 p.m. Saturday; Lane Street; music by Angelic Voices of Christ; the Rev. Walter Edley is host pastor.

PLEASANT UNITED METHODIST Jack Hollingsworth in concert, 6 p.m. Saturday; Renshaw Road in Yazoo City; potluck dinner will follow.

TEMPLE OF CHRIST Annual Women Seminar, 6 p.m. Saturday-Monday, 400 Adams St.; fashion show each night and refreshments on Sunday; 661-6144 or 630-0170.