Published 12:00 am Friday, December 27, 2002
VICKSBURG CRUISERS CAR CLUB Old car cruise to Fox’s Pizza in Tallulah; meet at Fast Lane on Halls Ferry Road at 6 p.m. Saturday.
VHS CLASS OF 1983 Meeting at 5 p.m. Sunday at LD’s Kitchen; Gwendolyn Appleby, 661-0870.
KIWANIS No meeting Tuesday, due to holiday.
LIONS No meeting Wednesday, due to holiday.
Public programs
“WHAT IS LOVE” AUDITIONS 5:30 until 7:30 tonight, noon until 2 p.m. Saturday and 1:30 until 3 p.m. Sunday at the House of Peace Worship Church, 1905 Mission 66, Suite 1; 636-1074.
“COUNTING THE COST” AUDITIONS 7 tonight at Aunt Bea’s Daycare and Learning Center, 2348 Grove St.; 636-6648.
BOOK SIGNING AND LECTURE Dr. Deidre Ann Tyler will lecture on and sign her book, “A Woman’s Guide to Setting Boundaries” at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Warren County-Vicksburg Public Library; “A Hedge of Protection” will provide music; book and CD are each available for $12; light refreshments available.
LEVI’S “A Gathering Place,” Saturday’s activities have been canceled; New Year’s Eve party, 8-midnight Tuesday, bring a covered dish.