Published 12:00 am Monday, February 17, 2003
We welcome your items for the Community Calendar. Submit items by postal service (P.O. Box 821668, Vicksburg, MS 39182), e-mail (newsreleases@vicksburgpost.com), fax (634-0897), delivered in person to 1601-F N. Frontage Road, or by calling 636-4545 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. If corresponding by fax, mail or e-mail, be sure to include your name and phone number.
AARP 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Chamber of Commerce; Fronia Qualls will speak on state planning.
Kiwanis Noon Tuesday, Maxwell’s; guest speaker will be Jeff Jernigan with Push America, a service for people with disabilities.
VHS Class of 1978 Reunion planning meeting, 6 p.m. Tuesday at Goldie’s Trail Bar-B-Que, 4127 S. Washington St.; Ruby Gibson Gables, 630-3536, or Mark Doiron, 857-2777; all classmates are asked to attend.
Lions Noon Wednesday, Maxwell’s; Beth Fleming from Waterways Experiment Station’s Environmental Lab will speak.
Overeaters Anonymous 6 until 7 p.m. Wednesday at Bowmar Baptist, Highway 61 South; no diets, dues, or weigh-ins; 638-0011.
Vicksburg Homecoming Benevolent Club Officer of the Year awards banquet, 7 p.m. Wednesday; guest speaker will be Joyce Flaggs.
Port City Kiwanis 7 a.m. Thursday at Shoney’s; Paige Cothren, writer and humorist, will speak.
WCHS Class of 1983 Reunion, June 13-14; Rusty Fuller, 634-0783 or rusty.fuller@riverregion.com, Allison Fleming, 636-5458 or afleming@canufly.net, or Kim Saxon, kalexander@vicksburgpost.com.
Public programs
Vicksburg Senior Center Tuesday: 9-11 a.m., walking at Jackson Street Community Center; 9:30, beginner/intermediate bridge; 10, AARP meeting at Chamber of Commerce; 10:30, beginner computer class; 11:30, intermediate computer; 1 p.m., dulcimer class.
Public Library Tuesday and Wednesday: 10:30 a.m., preschool story time and art project with Lottie Walker; Wednesday: 3:30, after school arts and crafts.
Nurturing Parent Support Group 5:30 until 7 tonight at the United Way, 920 South St.; sponsored by the Vicksburg CAP Center; 634-0557.
Home Ownership Program Informational Meeting 6 until 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Warren County Extension Service Conference room, 1100-C Grove St. in Vicksburg; all interested people and those with disabilities are urged to attend; 634-4522 or 888-671-0051.
Ready to Learn Workshop For parents and caregivers; 6 until 8 p.m. Thursday at Warren County Extension Office, 1100 E. Grove St.; Lynette Fleming, Family Children Services, 636-1597 or 636-1692 to register.
Fish and Chicken Dinners Friday, beginning at 10 a.m., $5 per plate; sponsored by the Missionary Society of Rose Hill M.B. Church; 638-7760 or 629-9742 for orders.
Annual Lebanese Dinner 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. and 5 until 7 p.m. Feb. 24 at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church; tickets are $8; takeouts available; 636-2483 for tickets.
Free tax preparation The local chapter of AARP will provide free tax preparation for the indigent and elderly from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Wednesdays through April 9 at the Warren County-Vicksburg Public Library. Returns may be submitted by mail or e-mail; 437-8592 or 638-3422.
Community First Aid River Region Medical Center; 619-3192 or 631-3191; class held per request.
Mardi Gras Masked Ball March 1, 8 p.m. until midnight at the Vicksburg Convention Center; reservations available; black-tie optional; for the Vicksburg Foundation for Historic Preservation; 636-5010.
Cool Spring M.B. Revival, 7 tonight through Friday.
Living Water Christian Fellowship Betty Love from Laurel will be the guest speaker at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the church, 2075 Culkin Road; the Rev. Doyle Moulder is pastor.