Victims may apply for funds to prevent further flooding
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 7, 2003
[5/7/2003]Victims of last month’s floods and mudslides who have flood insurance may qualify for additional funds to prevent future flood damage, the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency said.
In a notice issued Tuesday, MEMA said owners of property in designated flood-hazard areas must comply with the floodplain ordinance when they rebuild. Owners of structures that suffered substantial damage when it has been determined repairs will cost 50 percent or more of the building’s preflood value and the owner has flood insurance, the owner may be eligible to file an Increased Cost of Compliance claim. Those claims are processed separately from the regular flood-insurance policy-damage claims.
More than 8 inches of rain fell on Warren County on April 6, causing flash floods, mudslides and evacuations across much of the area.
Officials at the Vicksburg Area Chapter of the American Red Cross said at the time, they helped six families with motel rooms. In all, the chapter provided aid to residents of 78 homes as a result of the rain.
An ICC claim can allot up to $20,000 to help offset the increased cost of bringing a home or business in compliance with local floodplain ordinances, MEMA officials said.
The grant can be used to:
Elevate the structure to flood-elevation level.
Move the structure out of harm’s way.
Demolish and remove flood-damaged structures.
Flood proof a non-residential building such as making it watertight through a combination of adjustments or addition of features to the building that reduces the potential of flood damage.
A property owner can file an ICC claim only if the community in which the structure sits is determined to be substantially or repeatedly damaged by a flood. That determination is made by local officials when the property owner applies for a building permit to repair the str