Letter prompts city to nix praying aloud before meetings

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 11, 2003

[6/11/03]Opening prayers for televised city board meetings will be personal and silent in the future in response to a letter to Vicksburg’s mayor and aldermen.

Mayor Laurence Leyens refused to say who had made the request.

“We certainly don’t want the ACLU all over the City of Vicksburg,” Leyens said. He and the aldermen agreed a moment of silence would be observed to start future sessions shown on Vicksburg Video cable Channel 23.

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City Attorney Nancy Thomas said she researched the issue and found that it has been an accepted tradition that governing boards pray before their meetings. Prayers are given before the start of the Warren County Board of Supervisors, the Legislature and Congress.

Thomas said the board may still pray before the meetings if the prayers are more secular. Leyens, who is Jewish, said he would support a more generic prayer, but the aldermen, who are both Baptist, said they did not want to compromise.

“As a Christian, I believe that the only medium for prayer is Jesus Christ,” said South Ward Alderman Sid Beauman.

“The Word says if you deny Him before men then He will deny you before the Father, and that’s why I pray to Jesus,” said North Ward Alderman Gertrude Young.

Young, also an ordained minister, said having a moment of silence before each meeting would allow people to pray the way they want without offending anyone.

Dr. Eric Thomas, pastor of First Baptist Church, said that he regrets but understands the decision. “I am more concerned about prayer not happening in the home and being a larger part of the Christian’s life,” Thomas said.

The Rev. Wayne Moore, pastor of Warrenton Church of Christ, said he feels a silent prayer is better than not having prayer at all.

“The only option to consider is to turn to God and to recognize Him,” Moore said. “That would be more appropriate.”

TV23 records and shows county supervisor and school board meetings that are also opened with prayer. Leyens said the city may have to start editing the meetings to take out the prayers.

In other matters, the board:

Approved the board minutes from May 5.

Held a public hearing for the downtown Main Street taxing district.

Entered a contract with Neel-Schaffer Inc., of Jackson for design and construction services for downtown improvements.

Approved payment to the Vicksburg Tallulah Regional Airport in the amount of $3,362.

Approved advertisement for the Miss Mississippi Pageant including $4,000 to pay for two television spots during the pageant and $2,000 for shirts for the contestants and supporting staff.

Approved a $125 advertisement for the Vicksburg Theatre Guild for the annual Fairy Tale Theater.

Approved allocating remaining grant funds to the Beulah Cemetery Restoration Committee in the amount of $2,825.

Entered into a contract for environmental site assessment of the former federal courthouse building and U.S. Post Office.

Entered agreements with Mississippi Cultural Crossroads for two performances of Peanut Butter and Jelly Theater at 11 a.m. June 18 at the Kings Community Center and at 11:30 a.m. June 27 at the Jackson Street Community Center. The programs are free to the public.

Approved naming the parking lot at Crawford and Washington streets the River Stage Plaza.

Authorized advertising for bids to demolish Walnut Towers and for an addition to the Kings Community Center.

The city board will meet again at 10 a.m. Monday at City Hall Annex.