Published 12:00 am Monday, June 23, 2003
We welcome your items for the Community Calendar. Submit items by postal service (P.O. Box 821668, Vicksburg, MS 39182), e-mail (newsreleases@vicksburgpost.com), fax (634-0897), delivered in person to 1601-F N. Frontage Road, or by calling 636-4545 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. If corresponding by fax, mail or e-mail, be sure to include your name and phone number.
Rosa A. Temple Class of 1968 Final reunion meeting, 7 tonight, King Solomon Baptist; all members invited.
Vicksburg Cruisers Car Club Street rod cranking time at Al’s; 7 tonight; supper will be provided; 636-2720 or alchevy@streetrodder.com.
Kiwanis Noon Tuesday, Maxwell’s; speaker will be Cathy Goza of the Child Abuse Prevention Center.
Lions Installation of officers, noon Wednesday at Maxwell’s.
Vicksburg Coin Club 7 p.m. Thursday, Vicksburg Clinic conference room.
Cook-Ellis Family Reunion Reception, 6 p.m. July 3, Fairfield Inn Ballroom; barbecue, 1 p.m. July 4, 513 Peal St.; 2004 planning meeting, 5:30 p.m. July 5, Fairfield Inn Ballroom; worship, 11 a.m. July 6, Family Life Cathedral; Bonita L. Donald, 850-315-0657 or Tondra R. Robinson, 281-443-3536.
North and South Vicksburg and Warren Central Class of 1973 Reunion, August 29-31; Iola Slaughter Gleese, 638-9374, Rosie Walker Wince, 638-2722 or Diane McGee, 636-1116.
Public programs
Vicksburg Senior Center Tuesday: 9:30 a.m., intermediate exercise with Richard Simmons and intermediate bridge; 10:30-noon, quilting; 10:30, beginner computer; 11:30, intermediate computer; 1 p.m., dulcimer and art.
Summer Playground Camp 9 a.m. until noon, Tuesday through July 10, Pearl Street and Glenwood Circle; for ages 6-12; arts, crafts, refreshments and recreation; free; sponsored by Vicksburg Parks and Recreation; 634-4514.
Volunteer Training for Parent Aide Program 9 a.m. until noon Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, CAP Center, 2732 Washington St.; free; sponsored by the Exchange Club of Vicksburg and the Child Abuse Prevention Center; 634-0557.
Community CPR 5-8 p.m. Tuesday, conference room, The Street Clinic; 619-3192.
Adult CPR Course 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Red Cross building, 908 Cherry St.; $20 per person; sponsored by the American Red Cross; Tracey, 636-9182.
Epilepsy Support Group 6-7 p.m. Tuesday, River Region West, administrative conference room.
TRIAD Banquet 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Wednesday, City Auditorium; free; for ages 50 and older; master of ceremonies, Sen. Mike Chaney; guest speaker, Wayne Parker of the Leadership Council on Aging; special guests, Mayor Laurence Leyens, Gertrude Young and Sid Beauman.
Overeaters Anonymous 6-7 p.m. Wednesday, Bowmar Baptist, room 206-C; no diets, dues or weigh-ins; 638-0011.
Miss Mississippi Contestants Autograph Party Groups A and C and Miss Mississippi 2002 Jennifer Adcock; 9:30 until 11 a.m. Thursday, meeting room across from Billy’s Italian Restaurant, Vicksburg Factory Outlets.
Volunteers Sought The Vicksburg Police Department is seeking volunteers to help plan the annual National Night Out festivities in neighborhoods throughout the city on Aug. 5. To volunteer, contact the police department’s public information officer or Nichelle Smith at 636-2511. The deadline is July 3.
Haven House Family Shelter Free counseling to domestic violence victims; 638-0555.
Belmont Community Choir Rehearsal 6:30 p.m. June 27, 4446 Charlie Brown Road; all women invited.
Wilderness Baptist Vacation Bible School, 6-8:15 tonight through Friday; ages 3 through sixth grade; 636-3525.
Friendship M.B. Vacation Bible School, 7 tonight through Friday, 103 Williamson Ave., Edwards; pastor, the Rev. Bobby Burks.
New Rock of Ages M.B. Vacation Bible School, 4:45-6:45 tonight through Friday, 2942 Valley St.; ages preschool through adults.
Shady Grove M.B. Revival, 7:30 tonight through Friday, 61 Shady Grove Circle; guest evangelist, the Rev. Larry Jackson of Fayette; pastor, the Rev. Terry L. Moore.
Mount Heroden M.B. Revival, 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, 1117-19 Clay St.; evangelist, the Rev. Dr. Willie J. Jones of Crystal Springs; pastor, Dr. L.A. Hall Sr.