Warren County takes contractor bids to resurface 21 roads|[6/07/05]
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 7, 2005
A contract was awarded for waste disposal services and bids were opened for a contract to resurface at least 21 roads by the Warren County Board of Supervisors Monday.
For the past several weeks, supervisors have been reviewing proposals from three companies in preparation for a hazardous waste collection day planned for June 25. On that day, a Saturday, residents will be invited to bring items for disposal to a central location.
Selected was Clean Harbor Environmental Services of Braintree, Mass. The county also received proposals from Care Environmental Corp. of Landing, N.J., and Pollution Control Enterprises of East Chicago, Ind.
Purchasing Agent Tonga Vinson estimated the county’s cost to be $37,000, based on waste collected at previous collections. She also recommended the board make an alternate award to Care Environmental in the event Clean Harbor does not accept the contract.
At the opening of bids on the road resurfacing project for this year, the board received bids from APAC of Mississippi of Vicksburg, Superior Asphalt of Jackson and Central Asphalt of Vicksburg.
Although Central Asphalt submitted the apparent low bid at $1,195,296 the bid was taken under advisement until the board’s next meeting on June 20 to give County Engineer John McKee a chance to verify the bids.
The roads listed in the contract to be resurfaced are Bonnelli Circle, Road Runner Street, Lo Sto Road, Penley Drive, Silver Creek Drive, Silver Creek Drive West, Rebel Circle, Rebel Drive, Deer Creek, Lillye Street, Robinson Street, Funches Road, Vann Drive, Strothers Drive, Winchester Road, Edinburg Road, Berryman Road, Mallet Road, Douglas Road, Vivian Evans Drive and Brabston Road.
In other business, the board: