Board cites rezoning requirement for developer|[7/26/05]
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 26, 2005
A local homebuilder may seek rezoning for land off Old Porters Chapel Road, but not a variance that would allow him to build three houses on a single parcel.
The Vicksburg Board of Mayor and Aldermen voted against the request from Rusty Ragsdale Monday, citing legal constraints. Ragsdale has proposed building three homes on lots of 8,500 square feet each.
Existing zoning for that neighborhood requires lots with a minimum of 10,000 square feet.
“I had requested the Zoning Board approve this variance because of the need for this housing in the community,” Ragsdale said.
City officials, hearing the matter after the lay zoning board issued a denial, said that’s not the issue.
“I’m thrilled that you are wanting to build new housing, but what’s before me today I cannot legally do,” said Mayor Laurence Leyens.
Zoning Board chairman Tim Fagerburg said Ragsdale could apply for the rezoning, which would require another public hearing before that board.
“I can’t speak to what the Zoning Board might do with the zoning request. That will depend on any opposition that comes forth,” Fagerburg said.
Homeowner Dick Palermo, 205 Landsdown Drive, lives next to the property and said he did not object.
“I think it would have a positive effect if he builds the homes that he says he will,” Palermo said.
South Ward Alderman Sid Beauman said drainage and parking questions need to be answered.
“In looking at it there are some problems there, some obvious problems, that are going to have to be addressed,” Beauman said.
In other matters the city board: