Cool weather should greet Over the River Run racers|[10/07/05]

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 7, 2005

Anyone wondering what happened to the Over the River Run can relax. The race across the Old Mississippi River Bridge hasn’t been axed from the schedule, just moved to a new, more popular home.

After 16 years of being run in August and September, the OTRR settles into its new October home this year. The 17th Over the River Run will begin Saturday at 8 a.m., with raceday registration starting at 6:30 a.m. at the Mississippi Welcome Center on Washington Street.

The race’s move to the fall was a popular one among runners and walkers, who will no longer have to deal with the stifling summer heat during one of the longer events on Mississippi Track Club schedule.

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&#8221I am so glad they are doing that. It was so hot last year, it’s a relief,“ said Debbie Cheney, a Vicksburg race walker who has won the last three Over the River Run titles. &#8221I hope they keep it there.“

For the foreseeable future, they will. The 2006 OTRR will be on Oct. 14, and Mississippi Track Club president Jack Ward said the move was permanent. The Track Club handles all of the raceday activities, such as timing and scoring.

So far, the new date has not caused much confusion, race chairman Ginny Miller said.

&#8221We had two phone calls from people who thought it was in the summer. There hasn’t really been any confusion,“ Miller said. &#8221The comments we have had have been positive about it being in October.“

Runners who have pre-registered for the race can pick up their packets today at Post Plaza on the North Frontage Road until 5 p.m. After that, packets will be available on Saturday from 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. at the welcome center.

Runners who did not pre-register can still sign up for the race on Saturday. The late entry fee is $22 per person.

Miller said approximately 500 people have signed up so far for the 5-mile run, 5-mile race walk, and 1-mile fun run. She expected the final total to approach last year’s mark of about 800 people.

Temperatures are forecast to be around 60 degrees with clear skies on Saturday morning, ideal weather for runners. Last year, temperatures were near 80 degrees with 100 percent humidity.

&#8221Because of the pleasant weather, we are expecting a lot of people to register on Saturday,“ Miller said. &#8221There are a lot of runners and walkers who I think appreciate the cooler temperatures.“

After the race, an awards ceremony will be held at the old Delta Point parking lot on Washington Street. Refreshments will be served, and local band Easy Eddie and the Party Rockers will perform.

All proceeds from the race benefit the United Way of West Central Mississippi. River Region Health System and Ameristar Casino are sponsors of the race.