Louisiana welcome center up and running|[3/22/06]
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 22, 2006
MOUND – A newly designed and larger welcome center is in business just west of the Mississippi River Bridge with Louisiana officials calling it a key to rebuilding tourism in the state.
“Interstate 20 is a main thoroughfare,” said Darienne Wilson, assistant secretary of the Louisiana Office of Tourism. “Welcome centers tend to be on state lines, and this one is a very important center.”
The opening coincided with the launch of a $7 million advertising campaign, the largest in the state’s history. The theme has Louisiana celebrities pleading, “Fall in Love With Louisiana All Over Again,” and the purpose is to help travelers recognize that the state is open for business, said Angele Davis, secretary of the Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism.
Tourism is the state’s second-largest industry and provides 300,000 jobs. “Prior to hurricanes Katrina and Rita, tourism brought more than $9.9 billion annually to the state’s economy,” Davis said.
The center mirrors one in Vicksburg between the river bridges and also remodeled in the last year to welcome eastbound travelers to Mississippi. The 11-month makeover of the Mound center for westbound travelers is expected to increase the more than 200,000 visitors who have stopped there annually.
“Based on research on the aftermath of the storms, we know a large percentage of visitors think Louisiana is not ready to entertain visitors – and that’s not the case,” Davis said. “Most of the state’s significant historical and cultural tourism assets are still intact. Louisiana continues to offer a unique tourism opportunity.”
Vera Erwin, the center’s director, has worked at the Mound location since 1983. She believes the new building will bring people to Louisiana and encourage them to stay a while.
“It’s an opportunity to sell Louisiana to people coming from Mississippi and all the way from New York,” she said. “Everybody is so appreciative of the new building. I think we will be back to where we were – if not larger.”
The new facility has a larger visitor reception area, more office space, additional storage and a full kitchen and break area. Construction costs for the project totaled $925,000 and the bill for design was $185,000, Davis said.
The center will be staffed daily from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.