Realtor gives hangar to City of Vicksburg|[4/07/06]

Published 12:00 am Friday, April 7, 2006

While plans continue for T-hangars at Vicksburg Municipal Airport, the airport board has come into possession of some immediate hangar space.

Ernest Thomas, a Vicksburg Realtor and developer who owns a hangar and had been leasing its site from the city, has agreed to donate the building to the airport.

The board, which manages the city-owned facility on U.S. 61 South, had decided in January not to continue its lease with Thomas.

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Board President Kimble Slaton said news of the donation was welcome. He said the airport should have possession of the hangar by May 5 and board members plan to temporarily lease it for aircraft storage.

Airport Manager Frank May said the hangar can hold up to 20 aircraft, depending on their size. The airport has been hampered by having no public hangar space.

During its Thursday meeting, the board approved advertising for the construction of T-hangars, named for their shape. Slaton said he sent in an application to the Mississippi Department of Transportation for $420,000 in grant funding for the hangars, hoping to get a portion of the $3 million available for infrastructure improvements across the state.

In other business, the board: