Drug dog sniffs out three arrests on I-20

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 13, 2009

From staff reports

Man’s best friend turned out to be a deputy’s best partner when three Florida men were stopped for a traffic violation and the dog sniffed out 6 ounces of cocaine.

All three were charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute.

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The driver, Shelton Johnson, 54, 861 SW Andrew Road, Port St. Lucie, was also charged with improper equipment and possession of marijuana in a vehicle. His car was stopped on Interstate 20 East near Bovina.

The passengers were Ricky Cooper, 30, 2358 Heathwood Terrace, Port St. Lucie, and Andre Carrasquilla, 32, 2711 Avenue South, Fort Pierce.

When he stopped the men at about 1 a.m., the deputy became suspicious and had his canine partner, Zeus, walk around the car, Sheriff Martin Pace said. The dog hit on the cocaine and marijuana, Pace said.

The vehicle, a 2008 Dodge Charger, was impounded, Pace said.

The three were in Warren County Jail this morning, awaiting an initial hearing when bond would be set.