This and that|Welty’s readings on MPB in April

Published 12:00 am Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mississippi Public Broadcasting will present a rare film footage of a reading by Eudora Welty during a special edition of Writers airing at 9 p.m. April 9 and 16 on MPB TV.

The film was shot in 1975 in Jackson and has been obtained from the National Endowment for the Arts.

During the two-day show, Welty reads “Petrified Man,” “Losing Battles,” “A Worn Path” and “Why I Live at the PO.”

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A tribute to Welty, “Stories about Eudora Welty,” will air at 9 p.m. April 2 on MPB TV.

Former resident honored for writing

A former Vicksburg resident is the recipient of the 2009 Mom’s Choice Award for Most Inspirational/Motivational Adult Book of the Year for her book, “Make a Joyful Noise.”

Chariss K. Walker is a native of the Delta and a graduate of Rolling Fork High School. She lives in Florida with her granddaughter.

Walker is invited to the Book Expo of America, held in New York in May, where her book will be featured.

Threefoot Festival April 4 in Meridian

The annual Threefoot Festival, sponsored by the Meridian Council for the Arts, will be 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. April 4 in Meridian.

The festival will combine Arts in the Park and Threefoot Arts Festival and will include the Anderson Cup Road Race, the Make-A-Wish Foundation Walk, the Chili Cook-Off, arts and crafts from local artists, children’s activities and food and entertainment.

Guests will also get to enjoy the Storytelling by Tall Tales and Recollections Storytellers of Meridian and a gospel concert by The McKarneys, 2nd Mile, The Harrells, The Gospel Strings and Master Sound Quartet.

For more information, call 601-485-1122.

Today’s Girl pageant seeking contestants

The 2009 Mississippi Today’s Girl pageant is seeking contestants for its pageant slated for June 4-6 at the Petal Civic Center.

The pageant is accepting contestants in areas where no preliminary pageants have been staged.

A maximum of five at large contestants will be accepted in Vicksburg in each of the age groups 0-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15 and  16-18.

Winners from the state pageant will go on to the national pageant in Plano, Texas.

The deadline for the contestants is March 31.

For more information, call 601-479-1416 or 228-990-2400.