Thanks and appreciation letters
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Vicksburg Post welcomes timely letters of thanks or salute that relate to a specific event or incident where the community was involved or invited. Letters must be original and signed with the author’s name. Letters may thank donors generally, but not include lists. Letters of more than 200 words will not be printed. The Vicksburg Post reserves the right to edit all letters. Submitted items, including letters published in this column, do not represent the views of the newspaper.
Parade had helpers
The 2009 Miss Mississippi Parade, sponsored by the Vicksburg Main Street Program and the Miss Mississippi Corporation, was a success due to the efforts of many volunteers, supporters and spectators.
Special thanks to: Horizon Hotel, Paper Plus, Sheffield Rentals and The Print Shop.
Main Street is also extremely grateful to all who participated in the parade; the car owners and drivers who volunteered in the parade; the City of Vicksburg’s community service and landscaping departments and TV 23; the line-up committee: David McDonald, Miss Mississippi Parade chairman, Amber Hollingsworth, Colby Hopkins, Dean Anderson, Jim Shirley, Leisa Collins and Winky Freeman; the Warren Central High School cheerleaders; Vicksburg fire and police departments; the Warren County Board of Supervisors; and the Warren County Sheriff’s Department.
Vicksburg Main Street is very thankful to everyone who made the parade a success. We hope to see you all again next year.
Kim Hopkins
Main Street director
Snow cones a success
The United Way of West Central Mississippi would like to express our gratitude to our community partner, Wal-Mart SuperCenter, and Mr. Roger Washington for allowing our organization to give away free snow cones for two days this month in front of their store. They were more than accommodating in making sure that we had what we needed to be accessible to people as they entered the store.
We would like to thank Mr. Larry King of Waste Management, Bell’s Ice Company and the many volunteers who came out and worked during the hottest part of the day to greet both children and adults with a free snow cone.
People are so generous to the United Way, and we wanted to give of our time to say thanks to a community that gives so much to others.
Barbara Tolliver
United Way director