Reese, Hardy to wed in outdoor ceremony
Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 16, 2009
Mr. and Mrs. Eric G. Myers Jr. of Terry announce the engagement of their daughter, Christina Reneé Reese, to Mark Tyler Hardy.
Mr. Hardy is the son of John Hardy of Clinton and Debbie Hardy of Byram.
Miss Reese is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reese and the late Arvil Harris, all of Houston, Texas, and the late Delphine Harris, Dorothy Barker and the late James Barker, all of Hazlehurst.
Mr. Hardy is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hardy of Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Paul George Sr. of Ridgeland and Christine Nelson of Clinton.
The bride-elect is a graduate of Mississippi University for Women, where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing.
She is a registered nurse on the oncology floor at Mississippi Baptist Medical Center.
The prospective bridegroom is a graduate of Mississippi State University, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering.
He is a civil engineer with Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ).
Vows will be exchanged Aug. 29, 2009, in an outdoor ceremony at Jiggetts Home in Canton.
A reception will follow.