Warren County Board of Supervisors agenda items
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 18, 2009
On the agenda
• Approved a resolution endorsing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prevents discrimination by government agencies which receive federal funding.
Presented to the board by Cheri Emery of Jimmy Gouras Urban Planning Consultants, the item was a formality brought to the firm’s attention by the state Department of Transportation, according to County Administrator John Smith. MDOT was unable to find documents on file showing the county’s compliance with the landmark civil rights legislation’s federal funding protections, despite near-certainty by the board that it had been done decades ago, Smith said.
• Formally accepted a funding request from the Vicksburg Warren School District up more than $1.2 million to $25,193,176 based on the tax rate remaining at 46.2 mills. Last year’s request totaled $23,920,767. Supervisors must set a levy sufficient to raise the request.
• Approved advertising the contract to provide food for prisoners in Warren County Jail. Current through June 2010, the contract is held by ABL Management of Baton Rouge and costs the county $1.27 per meal.