Road work coming on nine miles of 61S

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 23, 2009

Work to lay a new riding surface for nine miles of U.S. 61 South should begin in March, the Mississippi Department of Transportation says — but subtle reminders have appeared in recent weeks to keep motorists’ attention.

A 55 mph speed zone has been restored to a small stretch of the northbound lane at Signal Hill, where traffic was diverted for three years while $6.2 million was spent to stabilize the slope and replace the road. Speeds are posted at 45 miles per hour on most of 61 inside Vicksburg city limits.

New signs mark the intersection of 61 and Warrenton Road, where accidents are common, and parking restrictions have been placed on private property in various locations.

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“There’s been problems of people parking in the right of way,” MDOT Central District Engineer Kevin Magee said of “no parking” signs placed just south of The Tomato Place, located within eyeshot of the intersection.

Customers still flock to the roadside produce market and eatery daily. Manager Luke Hughes said he hears drivers’ frustrations with each level of patrol by law enforcement.

“I’m surprised no one has sued the engineers,” Hughes said of the crossing, situated inside a zone between Wigwam Road and Grange Hall Road where more than 30 percent of accidents on 61 South have occurred in the past 21 months.

The road has claimed two lives, those of Deputy Sheriff Tom Wilson and Warren County Coroner John Thomason, both of whom were in vehicles that hydroplaned in separate wrecks during or after rains. Even in dry weather, the highway is rutted and bumpy.

Density tests and drainage control have begun alongside the road, including digging deeper ditches to catch runoff from ruts cut into the road over the years. Stretches of roadway in both directions between Pemberton Square Boulevard and Redbone Road will be resurfaced, with the exception of the Signal Hill area. Funding will determine whether the job is done all at once or broken up into two projects at different times, but traffic restrictions are likely. A contract should be awarded in January, Magee said.

“We’re doing more than your normal resurfacing,” Magee said of the work.

A similar project resulted in a new surface for U.S. 61 North in 2008, financed with $5.5 million in federal money.


Contact Danny Barrett Jr. at