Keystone wins zoning change from board
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Keystone Ministries was granted a special exception by the Vicksburg Board of Zoning Appeals Tuesday to operate a group care support facility at 1122 South St., and was also allowed a variance to the lot size and off-street parking requirements as outlined by the CBR-4 commercial, business and multi-family residential regulations.
The board also approved:
• A request from Towers of Mississippi LLC for a special exception to install a communications tower at 269 Old Cain Ridge Road, a state right of way.
• A request from the City of Vicksburg to amend Section 408.9(1)(c), Community Event Signs. Zoning Administrator Dalton McCarty said rental rules for the city’s six community event signboards are being altered to allow for more events to be featured.
• Oct. 6 board meeting minutes.
The Vicksburg Board of Zoning Appeals is scheduled to meet next on, Dec. 1, in room 109 of the City Hall Annex, 1415 Walnut St.