Grand Gulf best option

Published 12:00 am Sunday, November 8, 2009

Everybody wants a future where electricity comes cheap, safe and clean, with a source that generates more power than just solar or wind. Well, we already have it with nuclear power. The Post article, “Entergy: Grand Gulf output hike best option,” of Oct. 30 was dead on.

Every time I drive from Vicksburg to visit family in Natchez, I drive past the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station. The cooling tower there, or “cloud maker” as some call it, is the biggest concrete structure in Mississippi and only two things come out of that facility: water vapor and affordable, abundant, and — best of all — Mississippi-made electricity.

The article mentioned that this upgrade would make Grand Gulf the most productive nuclear power plant in the United States. Isn’t that something Mississippians would be proud of? And the new power from the upgrade could supply another 170,000 homes or businesses.

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Not only does the clean electricity created by nuclear energy provide the power for jobs, but they say that for every single construction, manufacturing or operations job created at a nuclear power plant, four new jobs are created in the job market to provide goods and services.

Wind and solar power are weak and expensive compared to nuclear power and Grand Gulf is something we can use and be proud of today.

Chandler Whitney
