Alcorn to get Davis clock

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 13, 2009

Alcorn State University will welcome the great-granddaughter of the Lorman institution’s first president with a gift ceremony and reception today at the Old State Capitol Museum.

Susan Cayton Woodson will present a Seth Thomas mantle clock given to her great-grandfather, state Sen. Hiram Revels, in the 1870s by Jefferson Davis, four oil paintings featuring Revels, Woodson and two depicting his daughters, and a stone bust of an African woman.

The 2 p.m. reception at the Jackson museum will feature an appearance by Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, followed tonight by an invitation-only dinner at Anchuca in Vicksburg. Woodson will attend the Alcorn State-Prairie View A&M football game and tour Zion Chapel African Methodist Church where Revels was pastor in Natchez.

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Revels was president of Alcorn from 1871 to 1882.