Court report|3 sentenced in Sharkey, Warren circuit courts

Published 12:00 am Saturday, January 30, 2010

In Warren County Circuit Court the week ending Friday:

• Elijah Caine, 31, 107 Pemberton St., pleaded guilty to possession of marijuana with intent to distribute and was sentenced by Judge Isadore Patrick to two years in prison followed by five years of probation, plus fines and court costs totaling $3,322.50.

Caine was arrested March 10.

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In Sharkey County:

• Bryan Ward Bridges, 24, 25 Laurel St., Anguilla, pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance and was sentenced by Patrick to one year and 98 days in prison followed by a year in the Mississippi Department of Corrections Intensive Supervision Program (house arrest) and three years of probation, plus fines and costs of $1,322.50.

Bridges was arrested Oct. 16, 2008.

• Nora Fuller Jr., 25, 136 Trailer Park Lane, Anguilla, pleaded guilty to burglary-nonresidential and was sentenced by Patrick to the Ninth Circuit Court Drug Court Program for a period not to exceed five years, plus restitution, fines and costs totaling $1,922.50.

Fuller was arrested July 30.