Vicksburg Warren School District Board of Trustees agenda items
Published 12:00 am Friday, February 19, 2010
Meeting Thursday, the Vicksburg Warren School District Board of Trustees:
• Approved minutes of the Jan. 28 meeting.
• Accepted the donation of a washing machine valued at $321 for the Vicksburg Junior High School athletic department given by the school’s PTO.
• Approved amendments to the 2009-2010 budget.
• Approved accounts payable claims for February.
• Approved out-of-state travel: Sherman Avenue Elementary School staff to attend a Camp Kindergarten Workshop in Atlanta June 16-17; Dana Road Elementary School staff to attend the ASCD annual conference in San Antonio March 6-8; Vicksburg Intermediate School students and staff to travel to Los Angeles March 12-15, 2011; and the Warren Central High School NJROTC cadets to attend Rifle Camp in Anniston, Ala., May 15.
• Approved the disposal of surplus property.
• Rejected a bid for reading and speech software from Scientific Learning, saying it did not meet specifications; approved beginning the bid process for propane heating fuel and for waste disposal for the 2010-2011 school year; approved a request from support services to seek proposals for pest control, wastewater testing and security for the 2010-2011 school year; and approved a request from child nutrition to advertise for proposals for milk, ice cream, bread and produce for the 2010-2011 school year.
• Approved the sale of timber on 16th Section tracts to high bidders Anderson-Tully Lumber Co., $156,055 (Culkin), and $165,380 (Rawhide); and Copiah Forest Products, $127,799 (Ballground).
• Approved the recommendations of the District Discipline Review Committee with regard to disciplining specific students.
• Although not allowed by state law, trustees closed their session to discuss specifically what can and cannot be talked about in executive sessions with regard to personnel issues. Mississippi Open Meetings law allows closed discussions of individual personnel situations, but requires discussion of board policies and practices to be in open session.