Thanks and appreciation|Chiefs show leadership

Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 20, 2010

I would like to personally thank Vicksburg’s Police Chief Walter Armstrong and Deputy Chief Jeffrey Scott for their efforts in taking a sincere interest in the children at Grove Street School.

The two of them are meeting with students on a regular basis and forming positive relationships. They both are positive role models for young people and want to be seen as part of the community. These two men are providing our students with the positive and negative consequences of their actions and offering healthy alternatives to students who might not otherwise have the necessary guidance.

We hope to continue this collaboration with the Vicksburg Police Department. They are truly helping our students to redirect their behaviors and giving them a chance at having a successful school life.

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Kelvin Wombs



Teamwork will work

It is so refreshing, invigorating and, above all, rewarding to know we have teachers and administrators still interested in the accomplishments and successful achievements of our students. Additionally, it is commendable and complimentary for 130 concerned parents to show up to participate in their children’s education.

We see that the teachers are really putting forth and effort to encourage students and to provide stimulation for students to do well. These relevant, rigorous lessons encourage students to become self-motivated.

When applied, students in the Vicksburg Warren School District can and will be able to compete in our 21st century and beyond. What a blessing!

My hat is off to Sharon Williams, principal and instructional leader of Vicksburg Intermediate School. Hopefully, even more parents will participate in April.

Pearline Williams


Excellent program offered

Vicksburg High School students did a service to our community by giving a wonderful black history program, honoring those African-Americans who served and are presently serving in the United States military armed forces. The program was Tuesday.

Thank you to the students, faculty and program participants who made it an enjoyable evening I will not soon forget.

Karen Frederick


Special kids welcomed

Area elementary and middle-school students recently participated in the Basketball Special Olympics at Warren Central High. Hosted by the Future Teachers of America and Arlean Smith, participants dribbled, free shot and practiced basketball target practice. From the moment the Special Olympians passed beneath the arch made by the enthusiastic, cheering hosts from the parting glance cast as they departed for their schools, they glowed from the positive vibes broadcast by their hosts and sponsors.

A similar scene played out in October, when St. Aloysius Key Club students and their sponsors, Suzie Channell and Dani Kay Thomas, supervised the athletes as they sharpened their bowling skills. Like the FTA students from WCHS, the St. Al Key Club students exhibited genuine interest, enthusiasm, praise and motivation for the Special Olympians as they engaged in the task at hand. As a mother, teacher and American citizen, it is exceedingly gratifying and heartwarming to know that such compassionate teens will undoubtedly become the best teachers and professionals our country has to offer. Best wishes to the WCHS Future Teachers, St. Al Key Club students, their sponsors and the Special Olympics director, Pauline Vessell, and her assistant, Tammy Smith, for making the Special Olympics extra special. What a joyful world we would have if all volunteers were so energized.

Sandra Berryhill

Port Gibson