Land transfers

Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 4, 2010

The following commercial land transfers were recorded in the office of Chancery Clerk Dot McGee for the week ending April 2, 2010:

• Walter Leon Pugh and Gina Gay Pugh to Fantastic Finish LLC; Section 9, Township 16N, Range 4E, 1370 Culkin Road

• George Whisenant to George Whisenant, trustee of the Whisenant Children’s Trust; parts of Sections 13 and 24, Township 18N, Range 5E; 88.95 acres off Oak Ridge Road

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• Lee Group Inc. to Richard Jason Nowell; Section 1, Township 16N, Range 4C; .37 acres off Sawgrass Point

• Live Oaks Development Co. to William E. Johnston Jr. and Penelope A. Johnston; 11.26 acres off Tucker Road

• Mark Smith Inc. to Hung Nguyen and Nguyet Nguyen; Section 22, Township 16N, Range 4E; .72 acres off Clifton Drive