Agency approves new dove season schedule

Published 11:44 am Tuesday, July 27, 2010

JACKSON (AP) — Mississippi’s dove hunting season will again be divided into two zones with three different seasons in each.

The Clarion-Ledger reports the plan was approved this past week by wildlife officials.

The North Zone includes areas north of U.S. Highway 84 and those areas south of 84 that are west of Mississippi Highway 35. The South Zone includes those areas south of 84 that are east of 35.

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Dove seasons in the North Zone are Sept. 4-Sept. 26, Oct. 9-Nov. 3 and Dec. 26-Jan. 15. In the South, the seasons are Sept. 4-12, October 9-Nov. 4 and Dec. 13-Jan. 15.

The daily limit is 15 in both zones and the possession limit is 30, but no possession limit is allowed on opening day.

Other early migratory bird seasons set today include:

• Canada goose: Sept. 1-15; daily limit 5, possession limit 10.

• Teal: Sept. 11-26; daily limit 4, possession limit 8.

• Rails, Sora and Virginia: Sept. 25-Dec. 3; daily and possession limit 25 in aggregate.

• Rails, Clapper and King: Sept. 25-Dec. 3; daily limit 15 in aggregate, and 30 in possession.

• Moorhens and gallinules: Sept. 25-Dec. 3; daily limit 15 in aggregate, and 30 in possession.

• Snipe: Nov. 13-Feb. 27; daily limit 8, possession limit 16.

• Woodcock: Dec. 18-Jan. 31; daily limit 3, possession limit 6.