Removal of train cars begins north of city

Published 12:06 pm Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vicksburg Southern Railroad has begun lifting freight cars from a bayou where a bridge caught fire Sunday after a derailment from a track leading to International Paper’s Vicksburg mill.

“We have started the process of re-railing the affected railcars, and expect all the cars to be re-railed by Thursday afternoon,” VSR general manager Alex King said. “At this point, we will start bridge construction Thursday.”

This morning, a crane capable of raising the box cars sat near the site as officials continued to fight hot spots from the fire.

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King said an estimate on how long it will take to rebuild the bridge that crosses Skillikalia Bayou near U.S. 61 North and Mississippi 3 will not be available until the wreckage is cleared.

No one was injured when the westbound train pulling 30 freight cars carrying rolls of paper derailed around 2:30 p.m. Sunday. The cargo and bridge were reported on fire about two hours later and continued to burn until about 4 a.m. Monday.

The track and trestle, which are maintained by Vicksburg Southern, are part of a short line off a Kansas City Southern track. It is used only for transport between International Paper and KCS’ main line.

The investigation into the derailment and fire is being led by Federal Railroad Administration, Mississippi Department of Transportation and Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.

International Paper resumed deliveries Tuesday, using 18-wheelers to transport materials, spokesman Amy Sawyer said.

“We have done it effectively in the past,” she said, “when we have not been able to use trains due to weather or some other restraint.”

She said IP is still trying to determine how much of its product was lost in the fire.

International Paper, which has been operating in Warren County since 1967, employs nearly 300 people in the plant that makes linear board.