Search deep into your heart to find the power of Jesus
Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 17, 2011
We ask ourselves what has happened to the world today? What has happened is us, that means you, me and everyone who exists.
We talk about the world being so corrupt in different areas, but what are we doing to help make it a better place to live? Can we blame it on the parents, youth, teachers, ministers, etc.? I don’t think so.
I believe we all have to be accountable for our own lives to God first. You know that may be a good place to start, by evaluating ourselves, being honest with ourselves, asking ourselves, “am I the parent, youth, adult, teacher, minister, etc. I should be?” Do I spread the Word of Christ? Do I set good examples for those around me? Do I speak out for values and principles? Or am I afraid of what others might think? Do I tell myself it’s all right to do this because everyone else is doing this? Do I let my conscience tell me this is right as long as I think it is right? That makes it OK? I think not.
Where have the Ten Commandments gone? Some seem to think that as long as I don’t think this is a sin, that is fine, and in their hearts and minds is this really facing reality? No, this is easing your own conscience by letting your subconscious mind tell you to do something you know to be wrong but do not have the strength and courage to say no to yourself or to discipline yourself.
Friends, let’s have the courage to stand up for what Jesus Christ has taught us and what we know in our hearts and minds to be the whole truth.
Remember what Christ said: “Blessed are they who suffer persecution for my name sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Beautiful words, but much more than that, true words of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
So, I ask you to look deep into your hearts and minds and show some action through your faith. Let us all lead one another to the beautiful place called eternity that God has waiting for us if only we choose to do His will.
He is the best friend anyone could ever hope for; He never tires of us no matter how tired we get of ourselves.
Peace be with all of us,
Delores Coomes