Vicksburg Board of Mayor and Aldermen agenda items

Published 11:39 am Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Meeting Monday:

• OK’d minutes from March 7 meeting.

• Recognized the following employee anniversaries: David Gaskin, gas, 25 years; Johnny Reed, cemetery, 10 years; and Carl Bell, street, 5 years.

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• Proclaimed this week as Children’s Mental Health Week.

• OK’d a joint resolution with the Warren County Board of Supervisors to declare a local emergency based on the current river stages.

• Awarded sealed bids to Harcros Chemicals of Vicksburg for pool and water treatment plant chemicals.

• Rejected sealed bids to construct fuel farm, access road and truck parking at the Vicksburg Municipal Airport on U.S. 61 South because bids received were too high.

• Accepted the Delta Regional Authority’s approval to use remaining grant funds from the T-hangar project to pave the airport’s entrance.

• OK’d the city clerk’s advertising of sealed bids for paving work at the Vicksburg Municipal Airport.

• OK’d the city clerk’s advertising of sealed bids for pebble lime and vehicle accessories for police vehicles.

• Adopted a resolution for the sale of surplus property and OK’d the city clerk’s advertising of sealed bids for notice of sale of the following properties: Meadow Street PPIN 5514, Crawford Street PPIN 17885 and Bowman Street PPIN 24683.

• OK’d the issuance of requisition to Applied Concepts Inc. of Plano, Texas, for the purchase of four Stalker radar units, a sole source item, for $11,870.

• OK’d a three-year subscriber agreement with Westlaw, an online legal research service, for $1,395 per month for the city’s legal department.

• Discussed dilapidated buildings and overgrown lot codes and approved Victor Gray-Lewis, director of Buildings and Inspections, to proceed to cut, clean and demolish the following properties: 106 Brown Alley; Cairo Drive PPIN 010250; 339 Ford Road; 434 Ford Road; 1429, 1601, 1604, 1609, 1740 and 1742 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and 1400 South St.; and OK’d a 15-day extension for 101 Cairo Drive.

• Ratified a letter of support of Cedar Grove Place for development of 24 single-family town homes.

• OK’d a request for advertisement from Vicksburg Homecoming Benevolent Club for its 36th annual homecoming souvenir booklet.

• OK’d a request for matching funds of $5,000 to Triumphant Ministries Inc for its youth summer enrichment program. South Ward Alderman Sid Beauman voted against the request.

• OK’d a $1,953.74 payment to Vicksburg-Tallulah Regional Airport.

• In closed session, the board:

• Discussed two longevity matters in cemetery and street departments; three new hires in recreation department; four pay adjustments in water and gas administration, fire and police departments; and three potential litigation matters.

The board meets next at 10 a.m. May 10 at City Hall Annex room 109.