Vicksburg Board of Mayor and Alderman agenda items
Published 11:38 am Thursday, May 26, 2011
Meeting Wednesday:
• Recognized the following city employee anniversaries: Willie McCroy, sewer department, 20 years; Donald Carter, Lambert Thomas, Drue Randolph and Jimmy Cogan, fire department, 20 years; James Smith, fire department, five years; and David Cochran, wastewater plant, five years.
• Presented certificates of recognition for retirement to Juton “Tiny” Miller of building maintenance and to Beatrice Moore of planning and inspection.
• Received the following sealed bids: for 27 line items of vehicle accessories — Ultra Strobe Communications of Crystal Lake, Ill.; Roper Supply Co. of Picayune; Tupelo Fire Equipment of Tupelo; and Fleet Safety Equipment of Pell City, Ala.; for sand, gravel and rock — Miller Materials, BP Buford LLC and Delta Stone, all of Vicksburg, and MMC Materials of Jackson. No bids were received for traffic management supplies and pebble lime. OK’d city clerk to re-advertise for those items.
• OK’d budget amendments.
• OK’d the issuance of a purchase requisition for $50,660.50 to Adapco Inc. to purchase a new mosquito spray product, a sole source item.
• OK’d a request from parks and recreation department for franchise fees and insurance for the 2011 Babe Ruth/Cal Ripkin baseball dues for $2,136.
• OK’d a resolution updating the Vicksburg Hazard Mitigation Plan for 2011-15, as approved by the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
• Accepted letter establishing special assessment and adopted resolution for cutting and cleaning of the following properties: 1609, 1601, 1604, 1740 and 1429 Martin Luther King Blvd.; 1119 Fayette St.; 1504 and 1506 Ethel St.; 1831 Cherry St.; and 1400 South St.
• Discussed dilapidated buildings and overgrown lot codes and authorized Victor Gray-Lewis, director of Buildings and Inspections, to proceed to cut, clean and demolish 1223 Forrest St. Granted a 30-day extension to 3407 Washington St.
• OK’d a close-out letter to the Department of Homeland Security regarding the fiscal year 2009 port security program.
• OK’d city clerk to advertise for request for qualifications for energy and water performance contract.
• Accepted an application for ad valorem tax exemption for Cooper Lighting Inc.
• OK’d the Vicksburg Main Street Program June advertising budget.
• OK’d invoice for $4,499.25 to Vicksburg-Tallulah Regional Airport.
• OK’d the following bank letters: Trustmark Bank and BancorpSouth.
• OK’d reports of city sexton, privilege license, mayor and treasure, tax collection, delinquent tax collection and detail budget.
• OK’d the claims docket.
In closed session, the board:
• Discussed seven longevity matters in wastewater plant and sewer and fire departments; 13 hires in fire, building maintenance and recreation departments; nine pay adjustments in police, sewer and fire departments; two status changes in city court and gas department; four personnel matters in wastewater plant, police and sewer departments; and a legal matter.
The board meets next at 10 a.m. June 6.