Mr. Gribble and Miss Windham marry at Crawford Street UMC

Published 1:00 am Sunday, December 18, 2011

Andrew Paul Gribble and Sarah Louise Windham were married at 3 p.m. Nov. 5, 2011, at Crawford Street United Methodist Church. The Rev. Cary Stockett officiated at the ceremony.

The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Gervin Windham of Vicksburg. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ronald Gribble of Strongsville, Ohio.

The bride was given in marriage by her father. A program of music was presented by Jefferson Turner, soloist, and David Harrison, organist.

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Maid of honor was Mary Ruth Windham, sister of the bride, of Cambridge, Mass. Matron of honor was Shelton Maddox, sister of the bride, of Dallas. Bridesmaids were Robyn Nolad of Columbus, Ohio, and Melanie Eder of San Diego, Calif., sisters of the groom; Jennifer Dome of Birmingham, Ala.; Mallory Moss of Denver, Colo.; Laura Rawski of Chicago; and Dani Carlson of Grand Rapids, Mich.

Patrick Garrity of Columbus, Ohio, served as best man. Groomsmen were Patrick Burke, Kevin Karp and David Petit, all of Lakewood, Ohio; Charles Severe of Cincinnati, Ohio; and Dave Morrison, Andy Bitter and Evan Woodbury, all of Auburn, Ala.

Kaylee Kilgo of Vicksburg served as program attendant.

A reception followed at the home of the bride’s parents.

For a wedding trip, the couple traveled to New Orleans and Maui, Hawaii. They will make their home in Knoxville, Tenn., where the bride is an internal auditor at Pilot Flying J, and the groom is a sports writer for the Knoxville News Sentinel.

Engagement celebration

The couple was honored with an engagement celebration at the Bazsinsky House. Hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Bailess, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buelow, Mr. and Mrs. James Blackburn Jr., Mrs. Frank Campbell, Dr. and Mrs. James Cook, Buddy Dees, Dr. and Mrs. Randy Easterling, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Golding, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Grogan, Shirley Gussio, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hall, Linda Harris, Teresa Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hudspeth, Patsy Humble, Mrs. John Wayne Jabour, Dr. and Mrs. Don Jackson, Meta Klaus, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lambiotte, Suzanne Latham, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morrison III, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Norman, Josephine Peterson, Dr. and Mrs. Bill Pierce, Mrs. Jack Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Waring, Mr. and Mrs. D.P. Waring and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Waring.