Travelers grateful for VPD, sheriff’s deputy

Published 11:09 am Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My wife and I wanted you to know how grateful we are for the assistance we received from Ron Kinard of the Vicksburg Police Department.

On March 27 at about 6:30 p.m., we were traveling through Vicksburg when we had our second blowout of the day on our RV trailer.

We had just passed Interstate 20 Clay Street exit when we lost the tire. We had the earlier tire loss replaced with the spare.

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My wife was calling AAA when Kinard and Lt. Sheriff Billy J. Heggins stopped to assist. These two gentlemen made many calls trying to find a tire dealer to come and assist.

To again aid in our safety, they escorted us off the interstate to the courthouse parking lot until the following morning.

Also, Sheriff Martin Pace stopped to see if he could assist in any way.

Heggins made arrangements with CJ at Miller’s Tire Mart to pick up the proper trailer tires and to be ready for service at 8 the next morning.

All went well; we replaced all four tires with new Goodyear tires and were on our way.

Please accept our gratitude to these officers and to you for having such a caring community. This is the “exceptional America” that I wish on our future generations.

Dave and Avon Segbers