Learning Skills To Match Today’s Work- force Needs
Published 6:44 am Wednesday, July 25, 2012
(NAPSI)—Did you know that the average American worker holds between seven and 10 jobs in their lifetime? Because of our rebounding economy, the U.S. is seeing a skills gap—a mismatch of open jobs with skilled workers.
This growing trend has led to certificate degrees as the fastest-growing form of postsecondary credentials in the nation. They are popular because they are affordable, less time-consuming and often lead to higher earnings.
Many online schools offer certificate programs that align with open jobs in the workforce. Approximately 450,000 workers in relevant industries receive training delivered online. Today, online schools provide vast resources to students—hands-on training needed to develop new skill-sets for jobs like small engine mechanics, veterinary technicians and medical transcriptionists.
Online schools also offer single classes that allow students to brush up on skills. Many schools offer classes like Business Writing or Statistics, which provide a grammar or math skills refresher.
Penn Foster is an online school that offers a variety of certificate programs that meet the needs of today’s workforce; specifically, 40 percent of U.S. jobs are in industries that are related to Penn Foster’s workforce development courses. The school works with students to help them achieve success and learn on their terms, offering open enrollment and a self-paced learning environment.
For more information, visit www.pennfoster.edu.
On the Net:North American Precis Syndicate, Inc.(NAPSI)