Use caution around buses
Published 11:04 pm Saturday, August 11, 2012
It is never too late for a reminder.
Now that school is back in session for all of the schools in Warren County, we implore drivers to be cautious, especially around school buses. Few things can sully a school year faster than a tragic event.
In Jones County in 2009, 5-year-old Nathan Key was run down by a 20-year-old man passing a school bus with red lights flashing. The man, Dominic Gebben, received a 20-year prison sentence. The death led to the creation of Nathan’s Law.
The bill clarifies the offense of passing a stopped school bus, increases the fines for offenses, prohibits the use of a wireless device such as a cell-phone in school crossings without hands-free accessories and prohibits bus drivers from using such devices. It also requires education campaigns on school bus safety.
The law’s teeth are harsh enough to send a message. But we wish it wouldn’t have had to come to passing new laws. We wish all drivers were cautious and courteous on the road, although that might be dreaming a bit. Common sense and basic rules of the road should be enough to refrain from doing something as dangerous as passing a bus.
Not many people like to get caught behind a school bus. The stops are frequent. What could be more important, though, than the safety of the children getting on board? Certainly not running a few minutes late to work or an appointment.
Please, do not pass a school bus when the lights are flashing. In Jones County, a man made a choice to pass a school bus while it was stopped. A young boy will never realize his future. The driver was given up to 20 years to think about what was so important that it required passing a school bus.
Two families changed forever.
Have a safe and happy school year. Especially safe.