Multi-cultural Arts Camp
Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 29, 2014

Saylee Brantley, 6, from left, Annslee Averett, 5, and Peyton Rainer, 7, chat during a snack break Wednesday during the 2014 Multicultural Arts Camp at the Southern Cultural Heritage Center. The camp is designed to allow children to “discover the art, dance, music and cuisine of a different culture,” according to the SCHF website. (Justin Sellers/The Vicksburg Post)

Children listen as Karen Biedenharn, right, instructs them on how to make a Native American totem pole Wednesday during the 2014 Multicultural Arts Camp at the Southern Cultural Heritage Center. The camp is designed to allow children to “discover the art, dance, music and cuisine of a different culture,” according to the SCHF website. (Justin Sellers/The Vicksburg Post)

Selby Springfield, 9, right, makes a paper mache Native American bean shaker Wednesday with other children during the 2014 Multicultural Arts Camp at the Southern Cultural Heritage Center. The camp is designed to allow children to “discover the art, dance, music and cuisine of a different culture,” according to the SCHF website. (Justin Sellers/The Vicksburg Post)