Working in trenches is trendsetting for mayor
Published 10:29 am Friday, March 13, 2015
It might have come across as arrogant. It might have come across as cocky.
But if anyone thought the comments this week by Vicksburg Mayor George Flaggs Jr. were anything but genuine, they’d be mistaken.
We also happen to think his comments — and the act of him working with the city’s water and sewage department next week — are trendsetting.
We often talk and wonder how elected officials can govern and make laws on things they know very little about.
More often, we have these thoughts when criticizing state legislators making education policies when very few of them are remotely qualified to weigh in on such a debate.
Any mayor — or any leader for that matter — should have a thorough understanding of the jobs and requirements that make up the city, county or whatever they are leading.
They do not need to be an expert at each, but at least a working knowledge to have an idea of just what kind of impact their policies and decisions could ultimately have on those they lead.
Flaggs’ decision to jump in and work with the city’s water and sewage department, we believe, is not a stunt or for the sake of publicity.
“I challenge anybody, IT department, anybody who wants me to come in and work. I’m not as dumb as I look,” Flaggs said earlier this week, accepting the “invitation” of a city worker. “I’m prepared to challenge anyone in the city at whatever they do.”
While we think the word “challenge” was a little misplaced, we applaud the mayor’s step and enthusiasm. We applaud his willingness to face the challenge handed down by a city employee, asking the mayor to get in the trenches.
Doing this work — and any work he chooses to do down the road — will only go to help Flaggs become an even better mayor for Vicksburg and a better leader for those he heads to work with each day.