Sunrise service set for Sunday
Published 9:51 am Thursday, April 2, 2015

Ready for Sunrise service: Sharon Penley of First Presbyterian Church, YMCA director Casey Custer, Allison East of the YMCA, and Matt Buckles, pastor of First Baptist Church stand on Fort Hill in the Vicksburg National Military Park where Easter sunrise services will be held Sunday.
Beginning at 7 a.m. April 5, an Easter sunrise service will be held in the Vicksburg National Military Park atop Fort Hill.
The service is sponsored by the Junius Ward Johnson Memorial YMCA.
“The YMCA has been sponsoring this event for more than 60 years. This is a long standing tradition for the YMCA and sponsoring the sunrise service sets us apart and lets people know we are a Christian organization,” Casey Custer said.
“This is an opportunity for the organization to highlight the C in YMCA, which stands for Christian,” he said.
Custer is the executive director of the local YMCA.
This year, Dr. Matt Buckles will lead the service in the call to worship, and he will deliver the Easter message, Custer said.
Buckles is the senior pastor at the First Baptist Church on Cherry street.
This is a non-denominational service, Custer said, and he added that each year clergy and laity from diverse churches are asked to participate.
Ronnie Andrews, the president of the YMCA board of directors will give the welcoming remarks and during the service, Sharon Penley, the choir director at the First Presbyterian Church will sing.
The pastoral prayer and benediction will be delivered by the Rev. Dr. Casey Fisher, who is the pastor of Greater Grove Street M.B. Church and Allison East, the YMCA program director will read the New Testament Lesson.
Custer stressed his appreciation to the VNMP.
“We couldn’t offer a sunrise service without the cooperation of the Military Park,” he said and added
everyone is welcome to attend.
“Some people run or bike to the service,” Custer said, and for those driving, they are asked to park at the Cairo Museum parking lot and a shuttle will transport them to and from Fort Hill.
A free pancake breakfast will be offered following the service at Hawkins United Methodist Church, 3736 Halls Ferry Road following the service.
For more information, call 601-638-1071.