Special Prom provides unique opportunities
Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 26, 2015

DANCE: Matt McKay and escort Kennedy Whitmore, senior, cut a rug on the dance floor at Special Prom, held at Warren Central High School Friday.

BREAK TIME: Misty Grantham and escort Evan Cochran, sophomore, take a break from the dance floor to browse the buffet.
Food, fun and dancing: prom is a celebration students look forward to all year long, and Special Prom ensures all students are able to enjoy the time-honored tradition that signals the end of the school year.
Lucy Young, a retired Warren Central teacher and coach, said she and others started Special Prom 24 years ago.
“Our premise behind the prom was to provide something for our students that for whatever reason might not attend a regular prom or dance,” she said. “We created what we call the Special Prom.”
Young said there’s no pressure for the students thanks to many sponsors, including parents, faculty and staff.
“We pair our special education students and others with regular ed students and give them an opportunity to meet others of their peer group,” she said. “Hopefully in there there’s a lesson to be learned, just like with the volunteers we use for the Special Olympics, that they’ll realize how blessed they are.”
Jacob’s Ladder teacher Rebecca Busby said Special Prom gives the kids another fun day to look forward to.
“They get to enjoy themselves for a day,” she said. “They are the center of attention, they get to dress up, and they have an escort.”
Busby said other than the Special Olympics events, Special Prom is the most anticipated day of the year at Jacob’s Ladder.
“They come and take pictures, get their hair done and get their nails done,” she said, adding a limousine was donated for the students to ride to prom in style.
Misty Grantham, a student at Jacob’s Ladder, said this was her third time to participate and the prom was neat.
“My mom is here,” she said, adding she was glad her mom got to come see her.
Grantham said her favorite part was doing the Cha Cha Slide.
Warren Central sophomore Evan Cochran said he was glad he got he was asked to participate.
“This has been really cool,” he said. “Everyone seems energetic, and they’re having fun.”
Young said there is no cost involved.
“We put it all together with great food and music,” she said. “Our DJs are from our Total Sound program.”
Young said Arlene Smith and the Future Teachers of America provide food for the event and the Elks provide funding for decorations and other needs.
“It’s great,” she said. “Sometimes you think you’re doing it for others, but you get such a blessing out of it.”