For teachers, expectations far exceed compensation, and that’s a shame

Published 9:58 am Friday, May 20, 2016

For some, the final day of the school year has arrived. For others, one more week is all you have left.

For some, graduation marks the end of their high school careers, while others have held ceremonies marking the end of their collegiate pursuits.

But as another school year comes to an end, there are those who we seek to celebrate, those we offer a heartfelt word of thanks; our teachers.

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For many of us, we can close our eyes and instantly flash back to a particular teacher who made an impact on our lives. There are coaches who gave us an extra push or teachers who stayed a little after class to answer just one more question, clear up some confusion.

In a world that has seen dramatic changes in society, forcing amazing stresses onto our teachers and administrators there is one thing that has not changed and that is the teacher’s heart.

For those who have the pure passion for teaching, it is a profession not longing for wealth but a profession longing to make a difference. It is a calling for those who do it well.

Unfortunately these days, teachers and our education systems have become political targets and pawns. The value placed upon the work teachers do has been diminished those looking for political gains or advancements in their own efforts, forgetting what teachers and our public school systems are challenged to do for our society.

We expect so much of our teachers and our schools, and rightfully so. But, at the same time, we provide them far too little support and our leaders often find ways to chip away further at that support.

In spite of that support — that we feel is not enough — our local educators and education leaders, along with the support of the community, are making amazing gains in education, providing our children a fantastic education founding from which to build amazing lives.

We applaud their creativity and their passion.

To our teachers, to our administrators and to the staffs at each of our schools — public, private and parochial — we offer our heartfelt thanks for the jobs you have done, for the mission you have taken on and the calling you have answered.

We hope you enjoy your few weeks of summer and look forward to seeing you again in August.