Letter to the editor: Posted speed limits should be consistent
Published 10:00 pm Saturday, September 9, 2017
To the editor:
I do not know if this should be a “Fix It” or a “Letter to the Editor” comment, but I need help from the City to keep me from daily breaking the speed law.
All of Indiana Avenue has posted speed limits of 30 mph for the whole length, except for the north side between the city limit and Porters Chapel Road. So, when going into Vicksburg, I properly drive near 40 mph on that section; but returning home to Oak Park, I break the speed limit by having to drive 40 in a 30 mph zone or get run over. It appears to me that both sides of a street would normally have the same speed limit.
Perhaps I am wrong, since this has been the situation for many years; and it would require cooperation between the City and County to provide signage. Should the City post a 40 mph sign on the south side to complement the 40 mph sign on the north side, then the County would need to consider whether they want the 40 mph speed to continue into the county (as is currently happening) or put a 30 mph sign at the end of the city limit.
Thank you for your help in getting this attended to.
Edgar Allen