Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity we’ve all been given

Published 12:38 pm Thursday, April 9, 2020

Ever heard the phrase “strike while the iron is hot?”

According to, “This old proverb clearly alludes to the imagery of the blacksmith or farrier at his forge. If he delays in shaping the iron when it is hot a pliable metal soon cools and hardens and the opportunity is lost.”

While many have applied this saying to opportunities in business and competitions, this is a moment when, although society has been forced to hit the brakes, we have been provided a chance to “strike while the iron is hot.”

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For many businesses that decided to close temporarily, now is a chance to develop plans for reopening, doing those repairs and upgrades that many felt they did not have the time or were too busy to complete, and to focus on the care, well-being and development of their vital employees.

For city and county governments, now is not the time to cut or curtail staff, but to invest more time and manpower on the projects that daily traffic, heavy call volumes and distractions slowed.

It is a time to finish those road projects while traffic is at a bare minimum, complete landscaping and beautifying efforts that were slowed by other needs.

For people, now more than ever is a chance to invest the time you’ve been given into yourself, your well-being, your family and your community.

Take the time to take a walk, meet a neighbor for the first time (with the proper social distancing of course), come up with cloud animals with your children, read a book or reconnect with a friend or family member that the hustle and bustle of our normal lives made you feel you didn’t have time for.

The Easter season is about a time of resurrection, not just for our Savior Jesus Christ, but for us individually.

Let us strike while the iron is hot and not miss this opportunity that we have been given.