Vicksburg Warren School District’s quarantine policy explained
Published 8:00 am Friday, July 30, 2021
The Vicksburg Warren School District will be adhering to the current Center for Disease Control and Mississippi State Department of Health recommendations and guidance, which includes:
Encouraging everyone to get a COVID-19 vaccination if eligible.
Students, teachers and staff who become infected with COVID-19 will be required to quarantine for a full 10 days from the onset of symptoms and until they are fever-free for 24 hours (or excluded for 10 days from the date of the test if asymptomatic).
Students, teachers and staff who are not fully vaccinated and are identified as close contacts to COVID-19 should be in quarantine for a full 14 days. There are, however, additional options to the 14-day quarantine period from the school setting:
- 10-day option: Quarantine can end after 10 days if the individual has no symptoms during the entire 10-day period, or
- 7- day plus test option: If the individual has no symptoms for 7 days and has a negative test result with any form of molecular-based testing for the detection of COVID-19 RNA collected on day 5, 6 or 7 of the quarantine period, the quarantine period can be discontinued quarantine after 7 days, or
- Unvaccinated students and staff who are exposed to COVID-19 will not require exclusion from school for quarantine if they receive any type of COVID-19 testing every two days and remain asymptomatic. At the end of 7 days, they will no longer require testing.
Fully vaccinated students, teachers and staff will not have to quarantine or get tested if they come in contact with people who have tested positive for COVID-19 unless they develop symptoms.
Editor’s note: The Vicksburg Warren School District announced its updated coronavirus policy Thursday evening. To read more about the details of the announcement itself, click here.