Dr. Buddy Strickland named interim principal of St. Aloysius
Published 4:37 pm Wednesday, May 18, 2022
- Vicksburg Catholic School (Courtland Wells/The Vicksburg Post)
Dr. Buddy Strickland has been named interim principal of St. Aloysius High School while the search for a permanent candidate continues.
“This gives us time to conduct a more thorough search to ensure that we find the right person,” said Canonical Administrator Fr. Rusty Vincent. “I’m excited that Dr. Strickland is willing to serve in this role at the school. He has proven himself in the past, and he has a great love for VCS and Catholic education.”
Dr. Strickland has worked as an educator and administrator for over 50 years, four of those being at St. Aloysius. He will succeed Karla McHan, who has served as the St. Aloysius principal for the past three years.
“I’m indebted to Karla for what she did with this school in a particularly difficult environment with Covid,” said Dr. Strickland. “I have a great deal of love for this school, and everything it encompasses. Going forward, everything we do will be a cooperative effort with teachers, staff, students, parents, and advisory council. Everyone is valued, and everyone has a role.”
Vicksburg Catholic School will continue to seek applications for the principal position, specifically for candidates who are willing to serve as an assistant under Dr. Strickland for a transition period. To contact Vicksburg Catholic School, call (601) 636-2256 or email info@vicksburgcatholic.org