Old Post Files March 3, 1923-2023
Published 9:00 am Friday, March 3, 2023
Old Post Files is a regular feature within the pages of The Vicksburg Post’s print edition and digital e-edition. This feature looks back at some of the happenings from the pages of The Vicksburg Post over the past few decades. Enjoy.
100 years ago: 1923
Jordan returns from Memphis. • M.C. Geisenberg, foreman of the Vicksburg Herald, is ill. • Mrs. J.E. Bigelow is sick at her home on Harrison Street.
90 years ago: 1933
Susan Lyle Davis and James D. Thames Jr. will marry on March 11. • Frances Jack returns from Brandon. • Maj. and Mrs. Noel Casey return from New Orleans.
80 years ago: 1943
Mrs. Pearl Mansell dies. • Bruce Goodrum is a candidate for supervisor from District 5. • A son is born to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie L. Cook. • Pvt. George Fenney Jr. graduates as an airplane mechanic at Keesler Air Force Base at Biloxi.
70 years ago: 1953
John Brickell dies. • Sgt. and Mrs. Robert W. Field announce the birth of a son, Robert Jr., on Feb. 24. • Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Swan Jr. announce the birth of a son, Daniel III, on March 3. • E.H. Beall, Hazlehurst resident, dies.
60 years ago: 1963
Mrs. J.C. Stamm Jr. is elected president of the Junior Auxiliary. • Mrs. J.H. Whately is elected president of the Ashmead Chapter, DAR. • Mrs. J.E. Neill is installed as president of the Tallulah Book Club.
50 years ago: 1973
Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Gilliland are now living at their old home at Ballground. • Mrs. Sam Klaus returns from a visit with her son, Sam Klaus Jr., and his family in Hialeah, Fla. • Susan Marcus and Denise Meyer are home from LSU for the spring vacation. • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pender are the parents of a son, Brian Anthony, born March 8.
40 years ago: 1983
Perry Palmer and Harry Uzzle grapple in the Yazoo Diversion Canal at City Front for James Waits’ truck, which rolled into the canal. • Whitey Johnston is cast as the villain and Elizabeth Smelley the heroine as the Vicksburg Theatre Guild presents “Gold in the Hills” for the 47th year. • Yashica Chivette Sims is three.
30 years ago: 1993
Vicksburg’s Mayor and Alderman vote to increase the three-tiered overtime parking fine scale that has been in place for years. • The Lorraine Apartments, Vicksburg’s oldest, get a face-lift. • Summer breaks for school students are shortened by three weeks. • Mamie Ivy, Tallulah resident, dies.
20 years ago: 2003
Altee Linson Nickson dies. • Katherine Hall, a student at the University of Mississippi, is selected to participate in the Semester at Sea study-abroad program. • Vicksburg High soccer standout Brandi Head signs to play with the University of Alabama-Huntsville.
10 years ago: 2013
Priscilla Bandy and Richard Rhett both, both of Vicksburg, slide down a hill in front of Crossway Baptist Church on ice blocks as friends watch on a sunny afternoon. • Aiden Christopher Brown celebrated his first birthday on March 4. • Vicksburg softball player, Kortni Newman, went 2-for-3 with an inside-the-park home run and two RBIs in an 8-6 over Ridgeland.