VWSD’s top cop retires after 23 years on the job
Published 8:14 am Saturday, September 28, 2024
- Dewayne Sims Sr.
After 23 years of service as chief of police for the Vicksburg Warren School District (VWSD), Dewayne Sims Sr. is hanging up his uniform.
Sims, who graduated from Alcorn University with a bachelor’s degree in communication and broadcast journalism, also earned a master’s degree in public administration and human resources from Jackson State University.
He began his career at VWSD more than two decades ago when he was hired by Dr. James Price and Dr. John Walls.
“If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to serve the community as I have,” Sims said.
During his time with VWSD, Sims was in charge of six resource officers, as well as managing the school district’s security contracts. He officially retired from his position last week.
In addition to his service at VWSD, Sims has also served on the board of directors at the YMCA and the Mississippi Department of Education for School Safety.
Sims said the best parts of his job were his co-workers and the students.
“I really tried to cultivate relationships with the kids and let them know there were other things besides bad decisions.”
Sims said he was often faced with students who were in trouble and felt a pull towards those students in order to find out the root causes of their behavior. Sims said he always wanted to be a resource for the kids, as someone they could come to for help.
“At the end of the day, it’s never about me,” he said. “It’s about helping youth get to the next level in their lives.”
Overall, Sims said he feels he accomplished that.
As for retirement, Sims said he is looking forward to spending time with his children, 20-year-old Destiny and 26-year old Dre. He enjoys running, working out and hunting, and anticipates having more time for those activities.
”I hope to continue helping my fellow man, whatever that looks like,” Sims said. “People may not remember what you said, but how you made them feel, and that’s what really matters.”